FS2004 FIAT G.18V (V.01)
The Fiat G.18 was an Italian airliner developed in the mid 1930s. It was a conventional all metal low-wing monoplane with twin engines mounted on the wings. The cabin seated 18 passengers.
It was used, since 1937,by Avio Linee Italiane in European routes and, after June 1940, by "Nucleo Comunicazioni Avio Linee"(the militarized airline) and by Regia Aeronautica (Royal Italian Air Force).
Complete aircraft, features the usual moving parts, such as all flight controls. Three different liveries (A.L.I.Pre-War/N.C.A.L.I./Regia Aeronautica). VC only. Model and paints by Manuele Villa, Flight dynamics, Handling notes and tutorials by FSAviator.It works also (Tested) in FSX (NOT Acceleration).
January 2009. Installation instructions included.
