FALCON 50 CAEA- FS2002pro version - 1970's Dassault Aviation business jet.
Model and bitmaps Yannick Lavigne, custom gauge programming Fred Banting, flight dynamics Rob Young
March 2002



!!! VERY IMPORTANT !!! If you had a previous installation of the old FS2000 Falcon 50 you must first DELETE ALL OF THE GAUGES BEGINNING WITH "YLF50_" in the FS2002\gauges folder. Failure to do this will cause incorrect gauges in some of the panel windows.
As the old FS2000 Falcon50CAEA folder and sub-folders are now obsolete they should also be deleted.

Then to install, simply unzip the file into your main FS2002 folder (make sure Winzip has the 'use folder names' and 'overwrite existing files' options checked). No default files will be altered.

NOTE: For manual installation (not recommended) fssound.dll must go into the FS2002\modules folder.

After installation you will find two new aircrafts inside of your FS2002\ aircraft folder. The "full" one which is the most complex but also the most demanding for your hardware and the "light" one which is kinder to frame rates when being used even with the laziest computers. The difference in the latter is that interior is not modelled and that a few parts are less detailed. You'll be able to choose one or the other even in flight.
As the Falcon is using its sound folder the default Lear45 is required.



The new Flight Manual will be found in the FS2002/aircraft/Falcon50caea2 folder. This is an executable file (double click on FALCON50manual2.EXE). It's use will not alter your system in any way.
Care has been taken to provide a useful document which explains the operation of the Falcon 50 and it's systems and it is highly recommended that you read it before flying the aircraft. Any questions you might have will probably answered there.
A FAQ list will be soon available on the CAEA' site : http://caea.free.fr/indexen.html


Each part of this package remains the exclusive copyright of its author. You are welcome to re-distribute this package on the internet, but such distributions must include all the files in the zip unchanged and unedited.
The material, graphics, gauges and flight model contained in this package whether in whole or part must not be used in any other commercial project or package. No part of this package may be included in any freeware release without consent of the author.

Arne Bartels, Dai Griffiths about their gauge programming knowledge, Daniel Steiner for his FSSound.dll, Peter Sidoli for tests, Tim Senders for his advices, Ron Freimuth for his air file knowledge, Manuel Medel and Bill Lyons for their skill and friendly help, Mike Crosthwaithe for his SDLEdit, all the CAEA team, all the testers, Flight Safety inc. and last but not least Dassault-Aviation.

©Yannick Lavigne, Fred Banting, Rob Young
March 2002