ui_manufacturer=Korean Air
description=Repainter : Kang Min-Goo\nE-mail:Kmgair2@hanmail.net\n^-^/

visual_damage=0 // 0=off, 1=on
performance=Cruise Speed\n0.85 Mach         565 mph         910 km\/h\n\nEngine options\nPratt & Whitney PW4062\nRolls-Royce RB211-524H\nGeneral Electric CF6-80C2B5F\n\nMaximum Range\n7,325 nm         13,570 km\n\nMaximum Certified Operating Altitude              45,100 ft          13,747 m\n\nFuel Capacity\n57,285 gal       216,840 L\n\nBasic Operating Weight                        403,486 lb       182,020 kg\n\nLength\n231 ft, 10 in       70.6 m\n\nWingspan\n211 ft, 5 in         64.4 m\n\nHeight\n63 ft, 8 in         19.4 m\n\nSeating Typical 3-class configuration - 416\nTypical 2-class configuration - 524

vertical_speed_time_constant = 1                //Increasing this value will cause a more instantaneous reaction in the VSI

max_gross_weight = 875000                       // (pounds)
empty_weight = 401100                           // (pounds)

reference_datum_position     =  83.5, 0, 0      // (feet) distance from FlightSim Reference position: (1/4 chord, centerline, waterline)
empty_weight_CG_position     =  -90.5, 0, 0     // (feet) longitudinal, lateral, vertical distance from specified datum

max_number_of_stations = 50

station_load.0 = 40000, -80.0,  0.0, 0.0        //Payload  Weight (lbs), longitudinal, lateral, vertical positions from datum (feet)

;Moments of Inertia
empty_weight_roll_MOI    = 15352310
empty_weight_pitch_MOI   = 24223159
empty_weight_yaw_MOI     = 39531785
empty_weight_coupled_MOI = 0

Center1   =  -83.5,   0.0, -7.0, 19545.0, 3.0     //Longitudinal (feet), Lateral (feet), Vertical (feet), Usable(gallons), Unusable (gallons)
Center2   = -193.5,   0.0,  6.0,  3300.0, 0.0     //Longitudinal (feet), Lateral (feet), Vertical (feet), Usable(gallons), Unusable (gallons)
LeftMain  = -112.0, -35.0, -4.0, 16720.0, 3.0     //Longitudinal (feet), Lateral (feet), Vertical (feet), Usable(gallons), Unusable (gallons)
LeftAux   = -118.5, -52.0, -3.0,   500.0, 0.0     //Longitudinal (feet), Lateral (feet), Vertical (feet), Usable(gallons), Unusable (gallons)
RightMain = -112.0,  35.0, -4.0, 16720.0, 3.0     //Longitudinal (feet), Lateral (feet), Vertical (feet), Usable(gallons), Unusable (gallons)
RightAux  = -118.5,  52.0, -3.0,   500.0, 0.0     //Longitudinal (feet), Lateral (feet), Vertical (feet), Usable(gallons), Unusable (gallons)
fuel_type = 2                                     //Fuel type: 1 = Avgas, 2 = JetA
number_of_tank_selectors = 1                    

wing_area               = 5825.0                //Square feet
wing_span               = 211.4                 //Feet
wing_root_chord         = 48.8                  //Feet
wing_dihedral           = 7.0                   //Degrees
wing_incidence          = 2.0                   //Degrees
wing_twist              = -1.0                  //Degrees
oswald_efficiency_factor= 0.68                  //Measure of lift effeciency of wing
wing_winglets_flag      = 1                     //Are winglets available?
wing_sweep              = 37.5                  //Degrees, wing leading edge
wing_pos_apex_lon       = -68.2                 //Feet, longitudinal distance from reference point, negative going aft
wing_pos_apex_vert      = 0                     //Feet, vertical distance from reference point, positive going up
htail_area              = 1470                  //Square feet
htail_span              = 72.8                  //Feet
htail_pos_lon           = -210.0                //Feet, longitudinal distance from reference point, negative going aft
htail_pos_vert          = 0.0                   //Feet, vertical distance from reference point, positive going up
htail_incidence         = 0.0                   //Degrees
htail_sweep             = 37.5                  //Degrees, horizontal tail leading edge
vtail_area              = 1060                  //Square feet
vtail_span              = 37.1                  //Feet, tip to body
vtail_sweep             = 45.0                  //Degrees, vertical tail leading edge
vtail_pos_lon           = -198.5                //Feet, longitudinal distance from reference point, negative going aft
vtail_pos_vert          = 26.1                  //Feet, vertical distance from reference point, positive going up
elevator_area           = 327                   //Square feet
aileron_area            = 225                   //Square feet
rudder_area             = 230                   //Square feet
elevator_up_limit       = 25                    //Degrees
elevator_down_limit     = 15                    //Degrees
aileron_up_limit        = 25                    //Degrees
aileron_down_limit      = 15                    //Degrees
rudder_limit            = 31.5                  //Degrees
elevator_trim_limit     = 20                    //Degrees
spoiler_limit           = 45                    //Degrees
spoilerons_available    = 1                     //Spoilerons Available?
aileron_to_spoileron_gain = 3                   //Aileron to spoileron gain
min_ailerons_for_spoilerons = 10                //Degrees
min_flaps_for_spoilerons = 0                    //Minimum flap handle position when spoilerons activate

[Reference Speeds]
flaps_up_stall_speed    = 140.0                 //Knots True (KTAS)
full_flaps_stall_speed  = 112.0                 //Knots True (KTAS)
cruise_speed            = 505.0                 //Knots True (KTAS)

type             = 1                                    // 1 - tail, 2 - lead
span-outboard    = 0.8                                  // 0.0 .. 1.0
extending-time   = 25                                   // seconds
flaps-position.0 = 0                                    // degrees
flaps-position.1 = 1                                    // degrees
flaps-position.2 = 5                                    // degrees
flaps-position.3 = 10                                   // degrees
flaps-position.4 = 20                                   // degrees
flaps-position.5 = 25                                   // degrees
flaps-position.6 = 30                                   // degrees
damaging-speed   = 200                                  // KIAS
blowout-speed    = 250                                  // KIAS
lift_scalar = 0.7
drag_scalar = 0.9
pitch_scalar= 0.9
system_type = 1                                         //Hydraulic

type             = 2                                    // 1 - tail, 2 - lead
span-outboard    = 0.8                                  // 0.0 .. 1.0
extending-time   = 2                                    // seconds
flaps-position.0 = 0                                    // degrees
flaps-position.1 = 1.0                                  // degrees
damaging-speed   = 250                                  // KIAS
blowout-speed    = 300                                  // KIAS
lift_scalar = 0.3
drag_scalar = 0.1
pitch_scalar= 0.1
system_type = 1                                         //Hydraulic

cruise_lift_scalar     = 1.0
parasite_drag_scalar   = 1.0
induced_drag_scalar    = 1.0
elevator_effectiveness = 1.0
aileron_effectiveness  = 1.0
rudder_effectiveness   = 1.0
pitch_stability        = 1.0
roll_stability         = 1.0
yaw_stability          = 1.0
elevator_trim_effectiveness = 1.0
aileron_trim_effectiveness  = 1.0
rudder_trim_effectiveness   = 1.0

engine_type = 1                                 //0=Piston, 1=Jet, 2=None, 3=Helo-Turbine, 4=Rocket, 5=Turboprop
Engine.0 = -107.5, -69.5,  -6.9                 //(feet) longitudinal, lateral, vertical distance from reference datum
Engine.1 = -76.0, -38.9, -10.4                  //(feet) longitudinal, lateral, vertical distance from reference datum
Engine.2 = -76.0,  38.9, -10.4                  //(feet) longitudinal, lateral, vertical distance from reference datum
Engine.3 = -107.5,  69.5,  -6.9                 //(feet) longitudinal, lateral, vertical distance from reference datum
fuel_flow_scalar        = 1.0                   //Scalar for fuel flow efficiency

fuel_flow_gain          = 0.002                 //Gain on fuel flow
inlet_area              = 60.0                  //Square Feet, engine nacelle inlet area
rated_N2_rpm            = 29920                 //RPM, second stage compressor rated value
static_thrust           = 56750                 //Lbs, max rated static thrust at Sea Level
afterburner_available   = 0                     //Afterburner available?
reverser_available      = 1                     //Thrust reverser available?

thrust_scalar = 1.0

autopilot_available             = 1
flight_director_available       = 1
default_vertical_speed          = 1800.0
autothrottle_available          = 1
autothrottle_arming_required    = 1
autothrottle_max_rpm            = 90
autothrottle_takeoff_ga         = 1
pitch_takeoff_ga                = 8


        //0  Class                        <0=none,1=wheel, 2=scrape, 3=float>
        //1  Longitudinal Position        (feet)
        //2  Lateral Position             (feet)
        //3  Vertical Position            (feet)
        //4  Impact Damage Threshold      (Feet Per Minute)
        //5  Brake Map                    (0=None, 1=Left, 2=Right)
        //6  Wheel Radius                 (feet)
        //7  Steer Angle                  (degrees)
        //8  Static Compression           (feet)  (0 if rigid)
        //9  Max/Static Compression Ratio
        //10 Damping Ratio                (0=Undamped, 1=Critically Damped)
        //11 Extension Time               (seconds)
        //12 Retraction Time              (seconds)
        //13 Sound Type
        //14 Airspeed limit for retraction     (KIAS)
        //15 Airspeed that gear gets damage at (KIAS)

point.0 = 1,  -25.0,     0.0, -17.9, 1000.0, 0, 2.0, 70.0, 0.5, 3.5, 0.900,  9.0,  8.0, 0, 220, 250
point.1 = 1, -114.0,   -18.0, -19.9, 2000.0, 1, 2.0, 13.0, 3.0, 2.5, 0.900, 11.0,  9.0, 2, 220, 250
point.2 = 1, -114.0,    18.0, -19.9, 2000.0, 2, 2.0, 13.0, 3.0, 2.5, 0.900, 11.0,  9.0, 3, 220, 250
point.3 = 2, -152.6,  -103.5,   3.0,  700.0, 0, 0.0,  0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.000,  0.0,  0.0, 5,   0,   0
point.4 = 2, -152.6,   103.5,   3.0,  700.0, 0, 0.0,  0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.000,  0.0,  0.0, 6,   0,   0
point.5 = 2,    3.0,     0.0,   0.0,  700.0, 0, 0.0,  0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.000,  0.0,  0.0, 9,   0,   0
point.6 = 2, -222.7,     0.0,   4.0,  700.0, 0, 0.0,  0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.000,  0.0,  0.0, 4,   0,   0

static_pitch = -0.5
static_cg_height = 18.6

eyepoint = -19.05, -1.97, 9.4              ; Longitude, Latitude and Vertical position from Reference Point, (FEET)

                ;BusType, MaxAmpLoad, MinVoltage       BusTypes:0=MainBus,1=AvionicsBus,2=BatteryBus,3=HotBatteryBus,4-7=Generator/AlternatorBus(1-4)
autopilot          = 0, 5 , 17.0
avionics_bus       = 0, 10, 17.0
avionics           = 1, 5 , 17.0
gear_warning       = 0, 2 , 17.0
fuel_pump          = 0, 5 , 17.0
light_nav          = 0, 5 , 17.0
light_beacon       = 0, 5 , 17.0
light_landing      = 0, 5 , 17.0
light_taxi         = 0, 5 , 17.0
light_strobe       = 0, 5 , 17.0
light_panel        = 0, 5 , 17.0

//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing                   
light.0 = 3, -118.30, -106.56,   1.59, fx_navredh ,
light.1 = 3, -118.30,  106.56,   1.59, fx_navgreh ,
light.2 = 3, -194.35,    0.00,   6.55, fx_navwhih ,
light.3 = 2, -120.30, -107.56,   1.59, fx_strobeh ,
light.4 = 2, -120.30,  107.56,   1.59, fx_strobeh ,
light.5 = 1,  -15.05,    0.00,  15.00, fx_beaconh ,
light.6 = 1,  -50.22,    0.00, -13.00, fx_beaconb ,

//1 Type: 0=None, 1=Vacuum Gyro, 2=Electric Gyro, 3=Electro-Mag Slaved Compass, 4=Slaved to another
//2 Indicator number of slaving indicator if Type = 4

//Breakpoint speeds (knots) on the keyboard increments of control surfaces.
//Speed at which the incremenet is reduced to  1/2 and 1/8 respectively.
elevator = 150, 250
aileron  = 150, 250
rudder   = 150, 250

touchdown=fx_tchdwn, 1

smoke.0= 90.0,-120.3,-72.0, fx_contrail_320
smoke.1= 90.0,-120.3,72.0, fx_contrail_320
//smoke.2= 90.0, -10.30, 44.00, fx_mou
//smoke.3= 90.0, -10.30, -44.00, fx_mou
//smoke.2= -199.40, -88.00, 36.50, fx_mou_1
//smoke.3= -199.40, -88.00, -36.50, fx_mou_1
//smoke.4= -199.40, -88.00, 66.50, fx_mou_1
//smoke.5= -199.40, -88.00, -66.50, fx_mou_1

number_of_exits = 2
exit_rate.0 = 0.4                               ;Percent per second
exit_rate.1 = 0.4                               ;Percent per second

gear_bump_nose_magnitude=3000           ; 0 - 10000
gear_bump_nose_direction=18000          ; 0 - 35999 degrees
gear_bump_nose_duration=250000          ; in microseconds
gear_bump_left_magnitude=2700           ; 0 - 10000
gear_bump_left_direction=35500          ; 0 - 35999 degrees
gear_bump_left_duration=250000          ; in microseconds
gear_bump_right_magnitude=2700          ; 0 - 10000
gear_bump_right_direction=00500         ; 0 - 35999 degrees
gear_bump_right_duration=250000         ; in microseconds
ground_bumps_magnitude1=1300            ; 0 - 10000
ground_bumps_angle1=08900               ; 0 - 35999 degrees
ground_bumps_magnitude2=200             ; 0 - 10000
ground_bumps_angle2=09100               ; 0 - 35999 degrees
crash_magnitude1=10000                  ; 0 - 10000
crash_direction1=01000                  ; 0 - 35999 degrees
crash_magnitude2=10000                  ; 0 - 10000
crash_direction2=9000                   ; 0 - 35999 degrees
crash_period2=75000                     ; in microseconds
crash_duration2=2500000                 ; in microseconds