First make a new file under where you have your add-on scenery located for FS2K.
i.e., C:\you scenery file name......\KRIC

Then make 2 additional files under this file i.e., "scenery" and "texture":
C:\....your scenery file name.......\KRIC\scenery
then add "texture" folder to KRIC:
C:\....your scenery file name.....\KRIC\scenery\texture

Now, unzip "" files into the "scenery" folder, including the .exc, .xcl files.
These are exclude files needed to elimate the default scenery.

Then, unzip "" files (.af, .r8 and .bmps) into the "texture" folder.

Go into FS2K, go to scenery library, click add scenery, and then locate your scenery and add it to the menu along with a title such as KACK or nantucket Memorial. Thats it - all set!

****Make sure you have all VOD, ASD and Airport textures in your FS2000 texture file****


Extract all files at the same time to your FS2000 add-on scenery folder.
Then, go into FS2K, go to "scenery library", click add scenery, and then locate your ACK scenery and add it to the menu along with a title such as KACK or Nantucket Memorial. That's it! Enjoy.

THANKS TO ALL THOSE FREEWARE MAKERS OUT THERE!! Thanks to all those who have designed .api's and .bmps for use in freeware files like this one.................You are surely appreciated.

Please report any bugs you may have to:

Greg Hopkins

Or visit Nantucket Aviation Virtual Airline at: