Originally I just made the Red Banner texture for the airshow, but with the complications of blah blah blah blah blah,
I just decided to re-fix the plane for FS9 entirely. How ever, If a message asks if you want to disable features on this aircraft
when you first install the aircraft on the game, click NO.

Pointless History:
At the end of the great patriotic war, (world war two in russia) the Yakovlev Yak-9 had the highest production number of all
the russian aircraft (making it a good export plane!). The Yakovlev Yak 9, along with the
Lankovich (*Lavochkin) La 5 and 7 and the MiG 3 were the primary and probably the best fighters the soviet union had.
However, the MiG 3 was a high altitude fighter, the only problem was it performed poorly at low altitudes, where much of the fighting took place,
so the La 5/7 and the Yak series outclassed it. But it all depends on the pilot to make a machine go.
Hero of the Soviet Union Georgiy Zahkorov (28 kills) flew the Yak 3, which had a lighter frame, more aerodynamic fuselage, and more manuveravle than the yak 9.
Georgiy Zahkorov Commanded the fighter group that had the Normandie Nieman group in it. The Yak 3 might be the most manuverable fighter of world war two.
Another hero of the soviet union who's name I can't remember and don't want to bother looking up scored 53 kills in the MiG 3.
I'm goint to try and update most of the russian aircraft from cfs2 for Flight Simulator 2004, and I hope people will make these russian aircraft for FSX.

I used the panel from Gerald Lindell's MiG 3d, because it's gauges work better in FS9

to install, extract the Yak-9 folder to the Aircraft folder in the FS9 Directory folder (usually in program files under microsoft games) and that's it.

Buck K.


Original Read me:

Yak-9 for CFS2
model file, airfile,DP,weapons and panel by Thicko,
May25th 2004

Yak-9 Single Seat Russian heavy fighter. This model is the early series of Yak-9's.
To install extract into your main \microsoft games\Combat flight simulator2\folder. The panel uses MoparMike's Single Engine Russian Gauge Set,included in this folder.
The weapons include Fab-100 bombs, RS-82 rockets, drop tanks and pylons fit to the plane and are included in this folder.
Install these into the named CFS2 folders.

Thanks to MoparMike for the gauges, Sandydog for the DP edit, Alain Pandofi, Jeff Ginger, jackfolla, Marty Thompsom, John Shore, Tony Marinac and Felipe Belacazar for the beta tests.

This file and all it contains is FREEWARE only and may not be posted on sites where a fee is required. It also may not be included in any commercial package.
I welcome any comments, re-textures, panel re-do, use in freeware missions and campiagns, DP edits, just e-mail me as to what you are doing. thickosehaskel@msn.com

