The file "Beech_Baron_58_c.bmp" contains textures for the Virtual Cockpit, and resides in your "Beech_Baron_58/ Texture" folder. The new file has the same designation. Therefore to install the new textures:

1. Back up the original "Beech_Baron_58_c.bmp" file in your "Beech_Baron_58/ Texture" folder.

2. Place the new "Beech_Baron_58_c.bmp" file in the same folder. Thats it.

Panel and Yoke colors will now more closely match the new panel.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have installed additional repaints of the Baron in your root Beech_Baron_58 folder, and you want these new VC texture changes to appear when these repaints are loaded, just add copies of this file to each repaint's "texture.x" folder, in the above manner. Note however, because this bitmap also contains some default wing colors, you will see the default colors on the wings when in VC mode. This disparity is only noticable of course when in VC mode looking at the wings. No real biggy.