FS2000 T-45 Goshawk United States Navy

New air file optimized
for carrier operaations of the Boeing T-45 Goshawk.
Require the rdarrw.zip archive of Mikko Maliniemi
and Owen Hewitt and the texture archive t45textu.zip
of Justin Lamb. Included also procedures for carrier

The new air file was developped starting with the
Lear45.air file of the default Lear 45 of MS FS2000.

The T-45 is heavier than the BAe Hawk. So the
parameters of the landing gear have been profondly
modified in order to absorb the shock of the
carrier landing withour bouncing too much.

The engine of the T-45 is more powerfull than the
one of the Hawk. Morever, according to Aviation Week
and Space Technology magazine, the engine controls
were modified to suit the constraints of carrier
operaations. The run-up time of the engine was reduced
in the model to permit the go around in case of
missing the arrest cables.

Many aerodynamic parameters have been modified to
simulate the take off with catapult and the landing
on carrier desk. To simulate the effects of
the arrest cables the spoilers have been over sized.
So do not use the spoilers to reduce speed in cruise.
See the procedures_en.txt


1/ Unzip the t45air.zip in a temporate folder

2/ Select all files and move them to the following folder

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\FS2000\AIRCRAFT\RAF Red Arrow

3/ Accept to overwrite the files if requested. No harm will
happens since the original air file remain unchanged.

However if you have done modifiations oto your Aircraft.cfg
save it under another name like Aircraft.ori before moving
the files.

3/ Copy the texture folder of the Red Arrow and rename the
new folder texture.t45 and move the .bmp files of Justin
Lamb in this folder

The new Aircraft.cfg look like

title=BAe Hawk T.Mk1 A Red Arrows
sim=BAe Hawk - Red Arrow

title=T-45 Goshawk

The top section [fltsim.0] is the original one. The bottom
section [fltsim.1] is for the new air file.


Thanks to Mikko Maliniemi and Owen Hewitt for their beautifull
Hawk aircraft model.
Thanks to Justin Lamb for the superb textures of the T-45
Thanks to William M. Roth for his AirEd air file editor

2002 february 02

Benoit M. Dubé
Longueuil Québec Canada