FS98 Siebel Si204A, 1940
------------------------ by Stephan Scholz, May 2011

1) Unzip "si204A.zip" into a temporary file.
2) Move the folder "Si-204A" into the FS98 aircraft directory.

The Siebel Si-204A
Twin-engined transport designed by Siebel Flugzeugwerke in Halle, Germany. It was intended as a regional airliner for Lufthansa, but only 15 were produced before production switched to the militarized Si204D, with an all-glass nose. Lufthansa bought four Si-204A units, and the German ambassador in Spain had one.
Further production of the Si204A was continued in France by SNCAC with the model name NC702 Martinet.
It was used in substantial numbers by the Luftwaffe as a light communications aircraft and crew trainer.

The Siebel Si-204 was fitted with 2-bladed propellers, driven by 600 hp 12-cyl inverted-V Argus As411 engines. Although essentially an up-scaled Fh104 "Hallore", its smaller predecessor, it was in fact a completely new design, with an all-metal structure, a single-spar wing, and a dihedral tailplane with twin fins and rudders. The main wheels retracted backwards into the engine nacelles. The aircraft could carry a crew of two, and eight passengers, four on each side of a central aisle, with toilet and luggage compartment aft. In the freighter version, the cabin was divided into four compartments.

Siebel Si-204 Specifications:
Crew: 2-3, Passengers: 8
Engine: 2x 600 PS (592 hp, 441 kW) at 3,300 rpm Argus As411 aircooled inverted V12
Wing span: 69 ft. 11.75 in
Wing area: 495 ft²
Length: 42 ft 8 in
Height: 13 ft 11.5 in
Empty: 8,709 lbs
MTOW: 12,347 lbs
Max Speed: 196 kt
Range: 756 nm
Ceiling: 21000 ft
Climb: 1,181 ft/min
Armament: None

The Virtual Siebel Si-204
Built with Abacus Aircraft Factory 99 and animated with Abacus Aircraft Animator. Parts count is a respectable 137% and slight, unavoidable bleedthrough is only momentarily present at very complicated areas under the engine nacelles with bay doors, landing-gear struts and lower and forward engine nacelles.

Flight Dynamics:
Take off:
raise tail: 45-55 kt
rotate : 60-80 kt
Cruise: 175 kt
Vmax: 196 kt
Approach and landing: 80-90 Kt
Stall: clean 62 kt
dirty 57 kt

High-quality metallized textures carefully prepared by Udo Entenmann.

Custom panel based bitmap on a photograph of the cockpit, with standard guages. Requires FSFS Conv. The instruments and their layout do not correspond to those of the original aircraft.

Piper Seneca sounds by Mike Hambly of Flightsim Developers. Pls. view Readme in the sould file.


Legal stuff:
This aircraft and its source files are freeware, and cannot be sold. No responsibility is taken for any loss or damage incurred directly or indirectly from its use. The original unaltered aircraft files may be freely distributed, uploaded, downloaded and shared. Please maintain proper credit, of course, and make no financial gain whatsoever.


Stephan Scholz