For FS2004, FS2002 and CFS2. Photorealistic panel (even fictional, because I coudnt find photographs of a real one) for the WW II floatplane Curtiss SOC Seagull with reargunner. Files and links for catapultlaunches for CFS2 are included.
Panel and configuration from Erwin Welker.

Unzip the contents of Copy the panel into your Curtiss seagull. You do not need gauges, because the configuration uses only default gauges.

Thats all for FS2004 and FS2002.


Additional procedures for CFS2:

You need for CFS2 this Seagull version: It seems, that most of the other versions does not run in CFS2. If the textures are kompatible, then you can choose of course that textures you like from other versions.

The mission requieres the Curtiss Seagull from (, modified with my aircraft.cfg and Airfile

For catapult launch option: After the installation of you have to overwrite the aircraft.cfg and the SOC-3.AIR with my files, otherwides your aircraft can not launched from catapult (F10 function). Therefore copy the files from the folder: files for cfs2 catapultlaunch into your installed Curtiss seagull. Note: Keep this filename for proper function of the mission for a catapult launch on the cruiser USS Indianapolis.

CFS2 catapult launch option: (The included mission has no certain task. Just be launched from catapult and then fly around and look for friendly or enemy ships.
For this mission I recommend is the cruiser USS Indianapolis ( from (there are also some other ships configured for catapult launches for CFS2 available, but you should be expirienced enough in that case, you want to use another ship. Not all can carry your aircraft!)

Link for USS Indianapolis:

To run the mission for a catapult launch you need to give exactly this name for your plane: Curtiss Seagull

You need also the ships in the mission.cfg (open file with wordpad) for unit_type.1 to unit_type8 for loading the mission. Of course you can rename all the configured ships with ships of your choice, which you have in your CFS2 SHIPS-folder. The only certain ship you really need is the VN_USS_Indianapolis ( or other ships configured for working catapults)


How to performe a catapult launch in CFS2:

1. Load th mission: Indianapolis_Catapult
2. Start your engine
3. Give full throttle and move by your rudder to about 30 deg left (angle of catapult) Then you can monitor your position in external view.
4. Press key F10 to acivate the catapult (boost option)

This file is FREEWARE. It should not harm your computer, but you install it on your own risk.
Feel free to copy or to distribute it, but don't make any money with it. It is not permitted to use it for commercial-purpose.


More Files with my work at SurClaro and/or .com: (Searchkey: WELKER)

Any comments to:

Happy landings

Erwin Welker

1 march 2009