FS2002 Schweizer 300 by Jordan Moore
contact: jordan@hovercontrol.com
Visit: Hovercontrol.com For Helicopter Simulation!
Copyright 2002 All Rights Reserved
VERSION 1.0 11/10/2002

This helicopter can be installed much like every other add-on aircraft for FS2002. It requires no special guages that aren't already included with either edition of FS2002.

Permissions and Re-Distribution
Repainters and Developers are welcome to redistribute this project with their added contributions. However, They must ALWAYS include proper credit to the original author, and must always describe in detail the changes they have made. Credit to the original author must ALWAYS be included in any written material used to describe your re-distribution. This includes file descriptions on major flight sim download web sites. The original author of this package must give approval before any commercial use of this package. The original author also reserves the right to deny redistribution rights to any party for any reason what so ever.

Just in case
Please do not email the author for technical "how-to" questions regarding repainting, modeling, or customizations. There isn't enough time in the day to respond to them. Feel free to visit us at www.hovercontrol.com and submit your questions in the forum where more than one person can try to help!

Special Thanks to the Following:
Dave Eckert - For the freeware pilot .fsc file. (thanks for the time saver Dave!)
Ian Standfast - For proving less is more in helicopter design.
John Vrbanac - For encouragement and humor during the tedious times.
Hovercontrol Members - For making new designs worth wile.