Extract all files into *root* folder of CFS2 or FS2002. The necessary sub-folders will be created automatically.


The default setup for sounds uses the Cessna 182 sounds, so no alterations will be necessary for CFS1, FS2000 or FS2002. CFS2 users will need to use the extra sound.cfg file provided, this will make use of the CFS2 P-38 sounds. Just delete the exisiting sound.cfg and rename the one 'CFS2 sound.cfg' to 'sound.cfg'.


the Harpoon has a fixed tailwheel, so use differential braking (F11 and F12 keys) together with asymmetric engine rpm (use pop-up throttle, shift-4) to taxy the aircraft on the ground.

Spoiler key (/) opens the bomb bay

Other CFS2 info -

fire button 1 or 1 on keyboard - fires front guns
fire button 2 or 2 on keyboard fires rear-facing guns


These files are freeware.
They are unsupported, so please do not e-mail us if you have problems. The sound and panel cfg's will need to be aliased to different aircraft (use Notepad) before this aircraft can be used in CFS2.

Under no circumstances may these files be sold or uploaded to a payware site.

All rights reserved - ALPHA SIMULATIONS 2004