
Swedish air force
SAAB JAS39 Gripen


After having uploaded Viggen of the former work, I got mail some.
The most lived in Sweden, and Gripen seemed to be wanted as the following work by the person.
I did not know even the existence of Gripen until it did not have material concerning Gripen and the material of Viggen was seen.

I felt that the silhouette of the airframe of double-seat type was very wonderful only after material was collected by using the Internet.
It is the same as the time of F-104.
Double-seat type is my favor in that airframe. (Though it was a single-seated that actually made. )

For the reasons, the challenge to the unknown aircraft knew for the first time this time.
The result?.
To some degree.......
I thinking that the shape of the canopy is too round....but....it...it......Atmosphere.

The panel was newly made this time because there was a photograph in the helmet and the cockpit (panel) in the collected material, too.
The helmet was good-looking.
But,I did not make it this time because it was too complex to make it to 3D and the distinction did not attach to the long-sight at all though.
The photograph of helmet is bundled for interesting one.


The maximum thanks everywhere as follows

Ronny Olofsson :
Marking of Gripen and the photograph of the landing gear were offered.
This work was not completed without his cooperation.

Jorgen Ohman :
The Gripen making was recommended, and the chance of the work production was made.

Philip Nordlander :
It enlightened it concerning effect.


For effect

When the model was made, I had added the nav-light, the strobe-light, and the afterburner, etc. up to now.
However, the light by effect decided to be operated for the first time this time.
Therefore, the file and the gauge for effect are separately needed.
Because the effect-file and the gauge-file for the bundled afterburner are copied onto the folder of FS as it is and the effect file for the light uses the thing of original FS, I think that it need not separately introduce it.

However, a part of Aircraft.cfg file was not brought together from the position of the light different by one in the single-seated and double-seat.
Therefore, the airframe separately for two folders for the single-seated and double-seat is stored this time.

Please give mail to the following mail address when there is a recommendation of making the opinion and the thing that doesn't come.

It doesn't hear of the complaint. Please play without putting up because it plays to the end by the hobby.

@My next work is Science Fiction Animation Plastic Model Series again.
No.17 - based on Combat fairy "YUKIKAZE"
Fairy Air Force : Super silfy "YUKIKAZE"

Kazunori Ito