// FS2000 Pro Panel
//Cessna 310R Panel for FS2000, by Scott Thomas, ibuild@prodigy.net http://flightsimmers.net/airbase/n101st/
//Copyright 2000, Scott Thomas

This panel was made from a photo a real Cessna 310 panel with a non-typical gauge layout, allowing the main engine gauges to be displayed on the main panel without compromising the pilots perspective too bad!. I strive for authenticity, so if you would have any better photos or info about the panel, please e-mail me!. I have made every attempt to duplicate the real panel within the limits of available freeware gauges, functionality, and viewing area of FS2k.

I made this panel as an alternative to Cas Stevens' wonderful Maxview Cessna 310, (I highly recommend this aircraft!) so I have left all the alternate cockpit view callouts in the panel.cfg. Just have the original cockpit view bitmaps in the panel folder you use this panel in and all the views will be there!

First, Gauge Credits.
I would like to appologize for not listing all the wonderful gauge programmers, without whom no aircraft panel would be possible. I have downloaded literally hundreds of panels in search of the gauges i feel best fit any particular application, so i forget who all the credit for such gauges should go to! . If you see something and feel you should be given the gauge credit for it, please contact me and I will amend this readme.

Some credits i know of:

HGHB Instruments (The HGHB files are freeware versions.)
The FPDA for their gauges, switches, sounds, etc
Dai Griffiths for his invaluable help with my gauge programming education as well as his Dragonflight Design Gauges
Ernie Kennedy for his gauges
Eric Ernst for his gauges
Chuck Dome for his gauges and gauge utilities (Gaubmp and Make Pink)
Gimp freeware paint program
Thanks to Microsoft for enabling us to enjoy this endevor!


Gauges have been updated with "Make Pink" gauge lighting utility by Chuck Dome

Gauges with the "ST_" prefix are not my gauges, but only existing gauges with modified bitmaps

This panel recommended in full screen @ 1024x768 res.

Second, Installation.
Simply extract the gauges.zip into fs2k\gauges...
the panel zip into your "aircraft"\panel folder...

Everything outside of these zips is just pictures and stuff...not needed!

Third, The legal stuff!
This is freeware! Dont make money with it! Please, if you modify or include any of it in any file for upload, please give myself, and the above credit for thier work!

I claim no responsibility for incorrect installation or improper system operation following installation of this panel. This panel works in fs2k, on a 17" screen, in 1024x768 Full Screen, 32 bit color, NVidia 32mb TNT 3D, and has not been tested any other way.

Hope ya enjoy flying this as much as i enjoy building it!

Scott Thomas