F-6 (MiG-19) Textures - Pakistan Air Force, 1970-71
Created by Yan Tao
Repaint by Frank Safranek

About these textures
These textures are intended for use with the MIG-19/J-6 by Yan Tao. They represent
an F-6 of No. 11 Sqd. of the Pakistan Air Force during 1970-71. Built under license
by the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation, the F-6 is a Chinese copy of Mikoyan-Gurevich
MiG-19 'Farmer' fighter.

This zip file contains only the textures. You will also need the original
MIG19_V1.ZIP and MIG19V11UP.ZIP update files. The intended method for installation
is as an optional set of markings.

A) Install MIG19_V1.ZIP and the update, MIG19V11UP.ZIP
B) Make a new folder under the "MIG_19_fuelTank" and "MIG_19_clean" folders and name
it "texture.paki"
C) Extract the texture files in this zip file to the new "\texture.paki" folders.
D) Edit the aircraft.cfg files to add a new [fltsim.x] section that reads as follows:
(change "x" to be the next number -- don't duplicate or skip or it won't work)

title=MiG-19 with fueltank paintx // value of "x" here should equal fltsim.x + 1
ui_manufacturer=MIG aircraft by YT
ui_type=MIG19c + 2fueltanks // for the clean aircraft this should say "MIG19c Clean"
ui_variation=Pakistan Air Force
atc_id=710 // number off the nose section
atc_airline=Air Force // ATC will now call you "Air Force 710"
atc_parking_types=MIL_COMBAT // FS9 ATC will park you with other military fighters
description=Built under license by the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation, the F-6 fighter is a Chinese copy of Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19 'Farmer' fighter.\n\nCreated by Yan Tao\nRepaint by Frank Safranek

For added realism make these changes also. In the [General] section make this change:

atc_type=mig // FS9 ATC will now say "Do you have the Mig in site?"

In the [LIGHTS] section make this change:

light.3=3, -25.2, 0.00, 7.25, fx_navwhih , // moves the white nav light to the correct position at tip of tail

E) That's it. You will now have another MiG-19 aircraft available when you
go to Select Aircraft.

Thank you to Yan Tao for granting permission to repaint his original textures.

Created by Yan Tao
Texture repaint by Frank Safranek

These freeware files are a intended for use with a specific freeware product.
These files may not be copied (other than for backup purposes), transmitted or
passed to third parties or altered in any way without the prior permission of
the publisher. Any breach of the aforementioned copyright will result in the
full force of law being brought to bear on those responsible.

All rights reserved.