Flight Simulator Scenery Creator is copyrighted © 2000-2002 by Derek Leung. All Rights Reserved.

Elvington was a wartime airfield to the east of York(UK) .After the war,it was redeveloped with a view to becoming a Cold War base for B 52 bombers.
To this end, a massive concrete runway, in places over 21 feet thick,was constructed. It is almost 2 miles long and has a huge concrete apron at the eastern end. The apron covers almost fifty acres.
As is so often the case,policy changed and Elvington was never used for its intended purpose.
Today,the Yorkshire Air Museum occupies the original buildings. The runway is in private ownership.
I have equipped Elvington with all the navaids that are available to Fs2002.
I have tried to place the museum correctly, behind it is a small industrial estate.


The easy way to install this scenery is to download the excellent Flight Simulator Scenery Creator 2000-2002 by Derek Leung.I have included the FSSC file and this will place all the various features into FS 2002.
Otherwise, put the Elvington folder into your chosen scenery folder and activate it in the usual way.
I have tried to include all of the textures.You will need Gerrish Gray's excellent trees.

I have tried to use generic freeware macros, if I have used one of yours by mistake, I apologise.

In any event, all the countless developers deserve our thanks for the thousands of hours spent to improve everyone's
enjoyment of FS 2002.

I am no expert, if there are any errors,it is probably because I have missed a texture which I will have downloaded
years ago and taken for granted.

I hope this works for you(to coin a phrase).

Nick Cooper.