Homepage: www.thelindercompany.de.vu
E-Mail: thelindercompany@home.pages.at

THE LINDER COMPANY FS 2002 Flight Assistant 1.1 (FS2002FA)
for Microsoft Flight Simulator

Dear user,

thanks for downloading this product from THE LINDER COMPANY Software. Please read this document carefully to avoid problems when using the software.

1. Installation
2. Features
2.1 Version history
3. Requirements
4. User interface
5. Settings
6. Command editor
6.1 Key-codes
6.2 Text-to-Speech
6.3 Configuration file
7. Known issues/problems
8. Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
9. Misc/About


This program does not need any certain installation. Simply copy the 4 files that are delivered with this package,


into a folder of your choice and launch the program. Please think of the fact that the program needs write access for the file "FS2002FA.ini".


FS 2002 Flight Assistant is a program that provides a virtual co-pilot. You can give commands using a microphone which the co-pilot executes then. For example, one could give the command "flaps up", and then the flaps will be raised automatically. Furthermore, the co-pilot responds to your commands, so that you receive a confirmation.

The program is nearly fully configurable. You are able to create new commands and even to edit the existing ones.


Version 1.0: -first official release
Version 1.1: -power key added
-added a "General settings" dialogue
-enhanced error handling
-extended readme, FAQ added


To use FS2002FA, your system should grant the following requirements:

-Pentium II 233 MHz or higher/equivalent processor
-128 MB of RAM
-Windows 98/NT 4.0 SP 6a/2000/ME/XP/NET
-a full-duplex sound card
-Microsoft Speech (SAPI 5.1) and a speech recognition and Text-to-Speech engine; available as download at http://www.microsoft.com/speech/download/sdk51. The file that has to be downloaded is called "Microsoft Speech 5.1 SDK" and is about 68 megabytes big. Unfortunately, Microsoft does not provide a file that contains only the run-time libraries, so you have to download that really large file, I think. If you should find a smaller file which also works, please notify me.
-Microsoft Visual Basic 6 runtime, can be downloaded from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads.


After launching FS2002FA, a splash screen will appear for a few seconds first. Afterwards, you'll see an user interface with the following 3 buttons:

-Power: switches the speech recognition on/off. When the button is pushed down, speech recognition is enabled.
-Quit: Terminate the program
-Settings: Let's you set up some options (see below).


There are a few different settings to configure FS2002FA and the speech recognition engine. To do so, simply click the "Settings" button. A menu will appear, containing the following items:

-Engine: General speech and Text-To-Speech options.

-Audio: Options regarding your sound devices.

-Audio volume: The audio volume setting.

-Microphone: A microphone wizard that helps you installing and configuring your microphone.

-User training: A wizard that helps you to get your PC used to your voice. Very useful in order to increase the speech recognition accuracy.

-General: New in version 1.1. Lets you set some general options, for example the power key: If you enable this option, the key selected in the "General settings" window has to be hold down to make the PC recognize your commands. That option is very useful if there are many noises in your environment which the computer could interprete as commands; after activating this option, it only recognizes commands when you press and hold the power key.

-Commands: Runs the command editor. For more information, see below.

Depending on your system, the number of available options may differ. Options that are not available are grayed and cannot be clicked.


The command editor, which is started after clicking on "Settings" and "Commands", enables you to edit the existing commands and create new ones.

To edit an existing command, simply click on it. In the right part of the window, the values regarding this command will appear. To edit a value, click into the text field and enter the new value.

The following text fields are available:

-Command text: The text that is spoken into the microphone by the user and that should be recognized by the computer.

-Spoken response: The response that's spoken by your computer when the text entered in "Command text" is recognized.

-Key-code: The keys that are send when the text is recognized. More about it can be read below.

To create a new command, simply click the "New" button. Now enter the new values and finally click "Add" to add the command to the list. The changes made are applied first when you click the "OK" button. If you click the "Cancel" button the changes won't be applied.


You may enter a key-code into the field "Key-code for this command" that's send when the command is recognized. Standard keys, like "a", "x" or "1" may be entered directly. Special keys like "F6" or "END" require a special way of typing:


F1 {F1}
F2 {F2}
F3 {F3}
F4 {F4}
F5 {F5}
F6 {F6}
F7 {F7}
F8 {F8}
F9 {F9}
F10 {F10}
F11 {F11}
F12 {F12}
F13 {F13}
F14 {F14}
F15 {F15}
F16 {F16}

You can enter key-codes with the SHIFT, CTRL or ALT key using the following codes prior to the standard key code:

Key Code

When those keys have to be pressed synchronously with other keys, simply include the codes in brackets. For example, when the SHIFT key shall be pressed together with the keys E and C, enter "+(EC)". When the SHIFT key shall be pressed together with E and afterwards C without SHIFT, type "+EC".

Examples for Flight Simulator 2002 (default key layout):

-Gear: "g" (as "g" is the key to raise/lower the gear)
-Flaps down: "{F7}"


As soon as a command is recognized by the computer, an automatical response is played. This response can be set by the user (see above). As the computer does not always speak the way the user wants the computer to, there are also some options:

Your text
The text will be emphasized.

Your text
Sets the volume of the spoken text. "100" stands for full volume.

Your text
Makes the computer speak the text faster. To let the computer speak it slower, use negative numbers.

There are also some other, less important options, which are not mentioned here. To get more information, simply send us an e-mail.


The supported commands are stored together with the key-codes and the responses in a file named "FS2002FA.ini", which even contains some commands at the beginning. You should not change this file manually, as it may lead to big problems. Instead, one should use the command editor that's delivered with this package.

When you want to, you may give your configuration file(s) to other people or put it at your homepage. If you do so, please also refer to our homepage that is being mentioned in the beginning of this document.


-You should not enter the same key as a power and a command key. For example, if you set the "CTRL" key as a reaction of the "gear down" command, you should not set "CTRL" as power key, as it could result in unpredictable problems.

There are no other problems known at the moment. If you should experience problems, please contact us via e-mail.


Within the following paragraphs, you will find answers to some frequently asked questions. Perhaps it will help you when you have got problems with FS 2002 FA. If you do not find an answer to your question, please send us an e-mail with a description of your problem.

Q: FS 2002 FA does not recognize my commands or it recognizes them wrong.

A: You should do some user training. To do so, click "Settings" and "User training". Please notice that this option is only enabled if the engine supports it. Another solution to this problem could be a readjustment of your microphone; the microphone wizard could help you with it. If it sounds like you were "blowing" into the microphone, you should move it away from your mouth.

Q: I get some error messages after starting FS 2002 FA or choosing an item in the "settings" menu.

A: It seems like your Microsoft Speech 5.1 installation is corrupt or missing. You should try to uninstall it first and then install it again. If it does not work or you don't have Microsoft Speech 5.1, download the SDK from http://www.microsoft.com/speech/download/sdk51. Also remember the fact that FS 2002 FA needs the Microsoft Visual Basic 6 Runtime which can be downloaded from the Microsoft homepage.

Q: The responses of FS 2002 FA are always sounding like "blah-blah".

A: You should check whether the right Text-To-Speech (TTS) engine is installed and/or selected. To do so, double-click on the "Speech" item in the control panel.

Q: An error message is appearing during the execution of FS 2002 FA.

A: Perhaps your system is configured wrong or a component is missing. Also consider the fact that it could be a program bug. If you think so, you may send an e-mail to us with an exact(!) error description.


When you do have questions, critics or things one could improve, we would be happy about an e-mail to the adress mentioned above.

Programming: Timm Linder

Graphics: Timm Linder

Tests: Sebastian Linder
Malte Linder
Matthias Linder

More programs and games can be found at our homepage.

We do not take response for any damages that may occur as a result of the use of this program.

Some names mentioned within this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of certain firms.

©2002 Timm Linder/THE LINDER COMPANY.
All rights reserved.