Edinburgh International Airport for FS2000 Version 4


This scenery was initially designed for FS98 as part of scenery covering the Lothians.
The scenery for this part has been reduced to cover the airport and immediate surrounds with static aircraft added to the original scenery plus extra buildings around the cargo terminal. As Microsoft have been most generous with their city textues I have also redesigned the city boundary around the airport to a more realistic position. However there still is, at the moment, too much city texture to the south of the city and perhaps this could be rectified at some later date.
The airport scenery was made in conjunction with an accurate, very detailed scaled airport plan but I have also visited the airport very recently to observe the many buildings and surroundings in general. Some custom made realistic buildings are therefore featured in the scenery including the main terminal, airport hotels and adjacent Grampian Foods Mill. I also spent three nights staying in the area, right under the flight path to runway 24 and can confirm this is a very busy airport.

Corrections to version 1

As per recent patch corrected ILS for main runway, now uses MS default.
Hills around the airport which tended to move and disappear at times have had the files rewritten and are now stable at all times.
Taxiway lighting has been changed to eliminate the horrible daytime white blobs.

New in version 2

Extra static aircraft at main terminal and aircraft and trucks at freight terminal. Two Cessna at Club Parking Area
Marked parking bays at gates and stands at main terminal and freight terminal
Some textures have been reworked on buildings and terminal.
Advertising billboards around main carpark.
Night lighting and night illumination have been added to many buildings, aprons,car parks,billboards,aircraft and trucks in conjunction with new lighting pylons.
More local hills around airport.

New for version 3

New terminal gates, a cut down version of Stansted Airport gates courtesy of John Young
Improved parking bays with better night time appearance.
Modified night lighting in many areas
Modified textures for terminal and many buildings.

New for version 4

touch down zone lighting for main runway
correct approach lighting for both operational runways
all taxiway lines replaced
upgraded main terminal with revised textures
buildings added around fuel farm and fire station( not accurate in detail but positioned accurately )
helipad added( not tested )
bus & taxi stand at main terminal
some changes to countryside textures

**STATICS** They can be reduced in number or left out.

The static aircraft and two trucks are supplied in seperate.bgl files for convenience :-
Edinstat. bgl contains all aircraft and trucks.
Edinstc2.bgl is a reduced package with four aircraft
**For anyone experiencing unacceptable frame rates the statics can be left out all together by taking out the Edinstat.bgl file or for those with marginal frame rates they could substitute the Edinstc2.bgl file instead and still get the benefit of some illuminated static aircraft.
**Please don't install BOTH static files together.
*** To avoid the above the Edinstc2.bgl is placed in a seperate zip file Edinstc2.zip


requires airport 2.10 and Vod 3.0 textures. Available at www.SurClaro "must have files" and many other sites. These texture files should be installed in your main FS2000 texture folder.

The files are zipped to make for easy installation.

First time installation

Create a folder where you normally install your add-ons, call it say " Edinburgh".
You should then be able to unzip the files straight to this folder where all other folders will be set up for you.

Scenery previously installed - Airport and Airport & City


I would recommend unzipping to temporary folder. Copy scenery files-.bgl's to Edinburgh/Scenery folder. Textures supplied cover only airport but if you have joint scenery with city they can be added to the existing texture folder with some overwriting of existing texture files


You should create the following " flatten " area for the scenery ( an exclude file is included in the scenery file )

Flatten.0=135,N55 58,W3 24,N55 58,W3 20,N55 56,W3 20,N55 56,W3 24


Airport information is included in a separate file.

NORMAL:- will give basic scenery
DENSE:- will show most of scenery
VERY DENSE:- to show all scenery and static aircraft

***TAKE-OFF POSITIONS FOR MAIN RUNWAY 06/24 (07/24 IN FS2000 ) should be taken from World Airports Menu.
Other locations are available from "FS5 and before menu"

Available now:- Edincty2.zip, highly detailed scenery for Edinburgh City centre, Leith Docks and Firth of Forth shoreline
Machapt2.zip + Machpat2.zip, scenery for Machrihanish Airfield, Campbeltown, Mull of Kintyre

Next proposed project:- Glasgow Airport

Any comments please contact :- i.gallacher@ic24.net


Thanks to the authors of Airport 2.10 and Tom Hiscox for his work in upgrading this program to version 2.60 in recent times
Thanks to Rafael Garcia Sanchez for the wonderful VOD3
Main runway was created with FSSC by Derek Leung
Thanks to Mike Wallace for Static Aircraft and trucks and to Noel Alexandre for Vista Express Static and Cessna Statics
Monarch B757 Static is from an original by Emmanual Parot and conversion and night textures are by John Young
Hills were created using Mountain.exe by Hans Meier.Files were re-written by Noel Alexandre.
John Young for the use of his Stansted Airport Terminal Gates
Thanks to Don Alexander for his advice on touch down zone lighting
Thanks to Bert Groner for information on approach lighting and for his encouragement.
Blast curtains are courtesy of Jeremiah Broughton
A very special thanks must go to Noel Alexandre of Vista Express VA Brussels who in his capacity as my "Technical Advisor" (his choice) has advised me on rewritting the hills files, night lighting and aircraft illumination and has supplied all the lighting pylons ,parking bay api and texture files. He has also tried to give a crash correspondence course on SCasm commands.
Undoubtedly without his efforts and support this scenery would not have been possible.

This scenery is copyright of Iain Gallacher and should not be used in any other scenery program without specific authority of the author.

Iain Gallacher
December 2000