FSLaunch is used to start MS Flight Simulator with preset environment conditions:

- Close dispensable programs to enhance FS performance
- Start additional add-on programs
- Set FS configuration (pausing on focus change)
- Start Flight Simulator (optionally with a stored flight)
- After closing FS: Close FS add-on programs and restart closed programs

FSLaunch is multilingual in English and German.

Just unpack the files to a new folder, preferably a subfolder of FS.
No need for registration, just start the program from the explorer or create a link to it on your desktop.

License terms:

This program is provided as FREEWARE!
It may be used and redistributed freely (provided that these terms are included), but it must not be included in commercial packages except with written permission of the author.
The author cannot be held responsible for any damage, caused directly or indirectly by using this
software. Use it at your own risk.

For further information or in case of problems contact info@w-meininghaus.de
Maybe there are requirements for further configuration settings to set before starting FS.
Any proposals are welcome to the adress above.