Miami Shorline, McArthur Causway, Bridges, and Port Everglades

For what ever reason... the Microsoft Flightsim porgramers choose to end the McArthur Causway just short of the mainland ... perhaps it was because they relaized that there were two Large Cruise ships berthed there (which there should be) This file somwhat corrects that. Uing Rwy12 and Lago... I have replaced the causway... namely because when I started to add sections.. the entire default incomplete causway disappeared... so I had to go start to finish. NOW the next problem - the two non-exsistant Cruise Ships... One I elminated (since I have no clue how to design and exclude scenery) by building over it... a new classic looking Hotel and convention center. I dealt with with the problem of the second ship... by creating a reason for it being there. Taking an example from the Casino/Resort Hotels in Biloxi, Ms where the Casinos have to be "off shore" and therefore were built on barges.. with the beautiful resort/hotels built right next to them.. to the point where inside you'd never know where one ends and the other begins... Here we have a cruise ship that has been permently mored at the waterfront and is now part of a luxury hotel... Well, it could happen. In addition... this also "fixes" another default causway that dumps traffic into the water with a set of bridges that allows you to pass under if you are sailing the inland water way in either a hovercraft or Jetfoil.
Finally, thanks to imput from several simmers who live in the Miami area, and special thanks to Harlan Sandberg who pointed out that my North Miami is most likely Port Everglades, I have completly resceniced the entire area... which now includes two major Paasenger terminals and a container facility at one end and a Conatiner facility, Oil Depot, and Curise ship refit facility (Including a Dry Dock) at the other end.
If you have downloaded my North Miami terminals and Miami Sea Terminal (the one that provided a dock in from of the American Airlines center) delete Them, these new files replace all that and will not work together with the previous above mentioned pair -- well they will, but will look stupid. Easiest advice... Keep the Dade County - Miami facility ... delete the others and add these files instead.
You will need RWY12 and Lago's Scenery Enhancer for this to work.
