FS2004 Photoreal Poços de Caldas - Aeroporto Embaixador Walter Moreira SAlles (SBPC)

Scenery Addon para FS2004
Version 1.0, 26/4/2008
Author: Jouber Borba
e-mail: jouber_borba@hotmail.com

This scenery contains the Ambassador Walter Moreira SAlles Airport of Poços de Caldas with hangars, terminal, aircraft into the patio (RWY12, as for lack of photographs, I couldn't do real textures from the buildings into the GMAX), runway with real size: 1515m x 30m ( considerate the highest runway in Brazil, located at a high of 1260m) and nocturnal illumination from runway, taxiways and patio. Contains also the photoreal scenery of the city with some buildings and houses (autogen on some parts of the city) and lightmap ( a little "precarious", because is the first attempt to do a photoreal scenery). Included AFCAD of the SBPC (realistic dimensions).


It's recommended the use of the AFCAD with the photoreal, 'cause the default scenery of the FS9 comes with different dimensions from the real, because the airport was reformed in 2004, leaving of having 1250m, passing to have 1515m in length. Wherefore the static objects of the airport be showed, it is necessary have the Rwy12 Object Placer v1.2 and its "Static Object Library" installed. They can be encountered right here on AVSIM.

Tested in:

Flight Simulator 2004.
Processador Pentium IV 3.2GHz.
Nvidia GeForce FX 5200 256Mb.
RAM 512Mb.
FPS rate: 15.


Uncompressed the archive (pocosdecaldas.ace) for folder Addon Scenery on FS9.
Open Flight Simulator 2004;
Click on botton "Scenery Library..." localized in "SETTINGS" on main menu in FS2004;
Click on botton "Add Area...";
Find the folder Poços de Caldas and click OK;
Close FS9.
Put the bgl archive sbpc in folder: X:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\Addon Scenery\Static Objects Library\scenery\.
Open FS9 and enjoy the new scenery.


The maker isn't responsable for damages resulted of the use of this product.
Use for your account at risk. Neither guarantee is it offers.
This scenrye is a Freeware. It's permitted distribute this file without alterations* and complete.

*If someone could ending the autogen from the city, contact me at email: jouber_borba@hotmail.com, to "accomplish" the project and be "recognized" like a collaborator of the project, reserving the rights author.

Thanks for downloading this scenery.