FS2004 Piper Archer II (Embraer EMB712 Tupi)
V 1.0 May 11th, 2005

Complete Aircraft !!

by Luiz Foernges, Rien Cornelissen and Arjan Harmans.

The aircraft uses the original great model and FDE by Rien Cornelissen and great 2D + VC panel by Arjan Harmans. The three paints are from aircrafts that belong to Aeroclube do Rio Grande Do Sul (Tupi PT-RDK) e Aeroclube de Eldorado do Sul (Tupi PT-NRQ and Archer PP-KQU).


This simulation is FREEWARE, but the authors of the files retain all copyrights.
The package comes with absolutely no warranty, you are using it at your own risk.
Do not upload to other sites without the authors' express authorization.


Unzip and install the Piper Archer II RS into your FS2004 aircraft folder


Enjoy your flights !!

Luiz Foernges