P-2V7 FireBomber Neptune Designed by Tomohito UNAYAMA (March,2002)
Air File by Phil Stokes- Updated Dynamics, and Textures by James Craig
E-mail address(es):
Tomohito.... kikumasa@tc4.so-net.ne.jp
James.... jm_craig_1968@hotmail.com

Please note, that JMSDF Air File is optimized
for FS2000.For FS2002, You may need the original Air File
from Tomohito's JMSDF Neptune.(If you want to use my Air File,
which I highly recommend, as far as I know,you shouldn't have
any trouble with the ground handling,or flying qualities in FS2002.)
As far as installation is concerned,you are going to have to set up your own folders
Model,Panel,Sound,Texture,etc,.(Title the main folder FireStar, or SP-2H..)
Recommended sounds and panel: BigC2K.zip, and unp5.zip both available at SurClaro.

Also note:I e-mailed Phillip Stokes,(many times), and never received
a reply. Just want to give him credit for his Air File.

I want to personally thank Tomohito UNAYAMA for his time, effort,
and patience in the design, and modifications, of his aircraft.
These files are to be used at your own risk.These files shouldn't
contain any viruses, nor should they cause any damage to your machine.
Authors are otherwise not responsible.

James M. Craig.....June 2003