{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset77 Verdana;\f1\fswiss\fcharset77 ArialMT;\f2\fnil\fcharset77 LucidaGrande;

\f0\fs22 \cf0 Thank you for downloading my first movie, with a Boeing 747-300 from Corsair. This was a flight from Paris to London. It is not a very good quality movie because I wanted to record it in fraps but as I get bad framerates when recording that way so, I did it with a
\f1\fs26 photographic camera from Sony.
\f0\fs22 So, you\'abll notice some better framerates but also the screenbars from my monitor. But it looks realistic I think. \
The music is by Aerosmith. \
Thanks for
\f2 g1jzsio for his Great work on this aircraft.
\f0 \
This movie is about 8min long and it\'abs in WMV format so you can see it in Windows Media Player and others.\
I hope you enjoy!\
Comments are welcome. Helio.Gnr@Gmail.com}