Old Faithful at Yellowstone National Parkl for Flight Simulator 2002

Designed with Airport 2.9 build 26 and FS Designer Pro V2. Thank you for
trying my scenery, hope you enjoy it.

Suggested installation:

Step 1: Using winzip, just extract, using folder names, to the
folder where you put your add-on scenery. Example: c:\FS2002\SCENERY

Step 2: Move the effect files (in the Effects folder) to the FS2002 effects folder.

Step 3: Start FS2002

Step 4: Click on World (Alt-W), go to the SCENERY LIBRARY, go to "Add
Area" and find the folder "OldFaithful" in c:\FS2002\Scenery\ (or the folder
you used in step one). Name it "OldFaithful" and click "Ok".

Finding Old Faithful

Old Faithful is in Yellowstone, MT. You can use the FS2002 GOTO AIRPORT
menus to find West Yellowstone, MT (KWYS). Fly a heading of 123.
Or, you can use the "Search Add-On Scenery" button and start off at the
Old Faithful Helo pad (imaginary).


This scenery was designed for use with the FSGenesis 9.6 meter Yellowstone package.
I have not tested the scenery on 38.2m, 75m, or standard terrain mesh. This scenery
should work fine with any of the above meshes, but some objects may be partially floating
on one side and partically buried on the other.


Thanks to Christian Fumey for his Ground 2K V3.0 program.

DISCLAIMER: The author cannot be responsible, in any way, for any
problems occurring from the use of this software.
Note: This zip file may be freely distributed to other sites (only if
they do not charge a fee) in its complete and original form only. I
retain all rights to this file and all the files contained within.

Ron Ezra