title = OV-1D US Army
sim = OV-1D
model =
panel =
sound =
texture =
panel_alias =
sound_alias =
kb_checklists =
kb_reference =
atc_id =15938
atc_id_color =
atc_parking_types =
atc_parking_code =
ui_manufacturer = Grumman Aircraft
ui_type = OV-1D
ui_variation = 73rd Combat Intelligence Company, U.S. Army
description = U.S. Army  battlefield observation and recon aircraft.  Also used for electronic warfare and monitoring by altering the sensors and their configuation.  Easily recognized by its bug-eyed canopy, triple fin tail, and top mounted engine nacelles, in addition to the low slung SLAR external pod. Early  Mohawks saw action in Viet Nam as armed attack planes, being called the JOV-1A.
Also used by Argentina, and formally by Israel, with demo examples briefly flown in West German and French markings. Various civil and non military agencies have also used Mohawks for drug interdiction, survey mapping, and atmospheric studies.
visual_damage = 1
prop_anim_ratio = 1.72

title = OV-1D AAF
sim = OV-1D
model =
panel =
sound =
texture = aaf
panel_alias =
sound_alias =
kb_checklists =
kb_reference =
atc_id =AE 030
atc_id_color =
atc_parking_types =
atc_parking_code =
ui_variation = Argentine Army Aviation (Ejercito)
ui_manufacturer = Grumman Aircraft
ui_type = OV-1D
description = U.S. Army  battlefield observation and recon aircraft.  Also used for electronic warfare and monitoring by altering the sensors and their configuation.  Easily recognized by its bug-eyed canopy, triple fin tail, and top mounted engine nacelles, in addition to the low slung SLAR external pod. Early  Mohawks saw action in Viet Nam as armed attack planes, being called the JOV-1A.
Also used by Argentina, and formally by Israel, with demo examples briefly flown in West German and French markings. Various civil and non military agencies have also used Mohawks for drug interdiction, survey mapping, and atmospheric studies.
visual_damage = 1
prop_anim_ratio = 1.72

title = OV-1D IDF
sim = OV-1D
model =
panel =
sound =
texture = idf
panel_alias =
sound_alias =
kb_checklists =
kb_reference =
atc_id =4X-JRB
atc_id_color =
atc_parking_types =
atc_parking_code =
ui_variation = Israeli Defense Force
ui_manufacturer = Grumman Aircraft
ui_type = OV-1D
description = U.S. Army  battlefield observation and recon aircraft.  Also used for electronic warfare and monitoring by altering the sensors and their configuation.  Easily recognized by its bug-eyed canopy, triple fin tail, and top mounted engine nacelles, in addition to the low slung SLAR external pod. Early  Mohawks saw action in Viet Nam as armed attack planes, being called the JOV-1A.
Also used by Argentina, and formally by Israel, with demo examples briefly flown in West German and French markings. Various civil and non military agencies have also used Mohawks for drug interdiction, survey mapping, and atmospheric studies.
visual_damage = 1
prop_anim_ratio = 1.72

atc_type =
atc_model =
performance = + Empty Weight: 12147 lbs + Power: 1400 Turbine Shaft HP + Maneuver speed: 289 mph @ 8.0 g + Max speed: 289 mph @ 15000 ft + Max speed at sea-level: 271 mph + Climb rate: 3300 ft/min @ 117 mph Flight Dynamics By: Tim Piglet Conrad Piglet's Peculiar Planes FD Build 18 - 10/16/05 11:37 PM Flight Dynamics Workbook V3.00.09
editable = 1
prop_anim_ratio = 1.72

vertical_speed_time_constant = 2

max_gross_weight = 18109
empty_weight = 11747

reference_datum_position = 0, 0, 0
empty_weight_CG_position  = 0.55, 0, 0
CG_forward_limit = 0
CG_aft_limit = 1

max_number_of_stations = 2
station_load.0 = 200, 6, -1.2, 0, Pilot
station_load.1 = 200, 6, 1.2, 0, Observer

empty_weight_pitch_MOI = 17836
empty_weight_roll_MOI = 20346
empty_weight_yaw_MOI = 35537
empty_weight_coupled_MOI = 0

cruise_lift_scalar = 1
parasite_drag_scalar = 1
induced_drag_scalar = 1
elevator_effectiveness = 1
aileron_effectiveness = 1
rudder_effectiveness = 1
pitch_stability = 1
roll_stability = 1
yaw_stability = 1
elevator_trim_effectiveness = 1
aileron_trim_effectiveness = 1
rudder_trim_effectiveness = 1
hi_alpha_on_roll = 1
hi_alpha_on_yaw = 1
p_factor_on_yaw = 1
torque_on_roll = 1
gyro_precession_on_roll = 1
gyro_precession_on_yaw = 1

engine_type = 5
Engine.0 = 5.55, -8.67, 0
Engine.1 = 5.55, 8.67, 0
fuel_flow_scalar = 1
min_throttle_limit = -0.25

fuel_flow_gain = 0.1
inlet_area = 1.2
rated_N2_rpm = 10000
static_thrust = 128
afterburner_available = 0
reverser_available = 0

power_scalar = 1
maximum_torque =  4118

thrust_scalar = 1
propeller_type = 0
propeller_diameter = 10.5
propeller_blades = 3
propeller_moi = 36.1
beta_max = 65
beta_min = 15
min_gov_rpm = 7500
prop_tc = 0.01
gear_reduction_ratio = 5.6
fixed_pitch_beta = 25
low_speed_theory_limit = 80
prop_sync_available = 1
prop_deice_available = 1
prop_feathering_available = 1
prop_auto_feathering_available = 1
min_rpm_for_feather = 700
beta_feather = 88.5
power_absorbed_cf = 0.9
defeathering_accumulators_available = 0
prop_reverse_available = 1
minimum_on_ground_beta = 1
minimum_reverse_beta = -14
rotation = 1, 1

max_number_of_points = 7
point.0 = 1, 10.2157, 0, -6.278, 1574, 0, 0.85, 45, 0.545, 1.5, 0.8, 4.8, 4.8, 0, 184, 184
point.1 = 1, -1.6933, -4.2273, -5.6598, 1574, 1, 1.1, 0, 0.642, 2.5, 0.8152, 4.5, 5.2, 2, 184, 184
point.2 = 1, -1.6698, 4.1482, -5.6598, 1574, 2, 1.1, 0, 0.642, 2.5, 0.8152, 5, 6, 3, 184, 184
point.3 = 2, -0.5038, -24.1473, 2.0418, 787, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5
point.4 = 2, -0.7937, 24.1478, 1.9996, 787, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6
point.5 = 2, -23.5674, 0, 0.5491, 787, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9
point.6 = 2, 5.4886, 0, -2.5587, 787, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4

static_pitch= 2.49
static_cg_height= 5.32
gear_system_type = 1

eyepoint= 8.49, -1.095, 2.44

[flaps.0]       //Trailing Edge Flaps
type = 1
span-outboard = 0.5
extending-time = 5
flaps-position.0 = 0
flaps-position.1 = 15, 347
flaps-position.2 = 25, 238
flaps-position.3 = 35, 195
flaps-position.4 = 45, 156
damaging-speed = 347
blowout-speed = 391
system_type = 1
lift_scalar = 0
drag_scalar = 0
pitch_scalar = 1

[flaps.1]       //Leading Edge Flaps
type = 2
span-outboard = 0.5
extending-time = 5
flaps-position.0 = 0
flaps-position.1 = 15
flaps-position.2 = 30
flaps-position.3 = 45
flaps-position.4 = 30
damaging-speed = 347
blowout-speed = 391
system_type = 1
lift_scalar = 1
drag_scalar = 0
pitch_scalar = 0

[flaps.2]       //Leading Edge Flaps
type = 2
span-outboard = 0.5
extending-time = 5
flaps-position.0 = 0
flaps-position.1 = 4
flaps-position.2 = 5
flaps-position.3 = 6
flaps-position.4 = 45
damaging-speed = 347
blowout-speed = 391
system_type = 1
lift_scalar = 0
drag_scalar = 1
pitch_scalar = 0

max_battery_voltage = 24
generator_alternator_voltage = 28
max_generator_alternator_amps = 100
electric_always_available = 0

flap_motor = 0, 5, 17
gear_motor = 0, 5, 17
autopilot = 0, 5, 17
avionics_bus = 0, 10, 17
avionics = 1, 5, 17
pitot_heat = 0, 2, 17
additional_system = 0, 20, 17
marker_beacon = 1, 2, 17
gear_warning = 0, 2, 17
fuel_pump = 0, 5, 17
starter1 = 0, 20, 17
starter2 = 0, 20, 17
starter3 = 0, 20, 17
starter4 = 0, 20, 17
light_nav = 0, 5, 17
light_beacon = 0, 5, 17
light_landing = 0, 5, 17
light_taxi = 0, 5, 17
light_strobe = 0, 5, 17
light_panel = 0, 5, 17
prop_sync = 0, 15, 17
auto_feather = 0, 15, 17
auto_brakes = 0, 15, 17
standby_vacuum = 0, 15, 17
hydraulic_pump = 0, 2, 17
fuel_transfer_pump = 0, 5, 17
propeller_deice = 0, 5, 17
light_recognition = 0, 5, 17
light_wing = 0, 5, 17
light_logo = 0, 5, 17

//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit
light.0 =  3, 0.22, -24.07, 2.35,  fx_navred
light.1 =  3, 0.22, 24.07, 2.35,  fx_navgre
light.2 =  3, -26.95, 0, 1.94,  fx_navwhi
light.3 =  1, -6.71, 0, -2.52,  fx_beacon
light.4 =  2, 0.14, -24.07, 2.35,  fx_strobe
light.5 =  2, 0.14, 24.07, 2.35,  fx_strobe
light.6 =  1, -23.79, 0, 9.7,  fx_beacon
light.7 =  4, 8.49, 0.00, 2.44, fx_vclight_deepred
light.8 =  8, .17, -8.53, 2.30, fx_smoke_f6,
light.9 =  9, .17, 8.53, 2.30, fx_smoke_f6,

[Radios] // availiable, standby frequency, has glide slope
Audio.1 = 1
Com.1 = 1, 1
Com.2 = 1, 1
Nav.1 = 1, 1, 1
Nav.2 = 1, 1, 0
Adf.1 = 1
Transponder.1 = 1
Marker.1 = 1

elevator = 350, 500
aileron  = 450, 1000
rudder   = 200, 1000

direction_indicator.0 = 1, 0

number_of_exits = 1
exit_rate.0 = 0.8

wake = fx_wake
water = fx_spray
dirt = fx_tchdrt
concrete = fx_sparks
touchdown = fx_tchdwn, 1

autopilot_available = 1
use_no_default_bank = 1
use_no_default_pitch = 1
flight_director_available = 0
default_vertical_speed = 1000
autothrottle_available = 0
autothrottle_arming_required = 0
autothrottle_takeoff_ga = 1
autothrottle_max_rpm = 90
pitch_takeoff_ga = 8
default_pitch_mode =0
default_bank_mode =0
max_pitch = 10
max_pitch_acceleration = 1
max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt = 2
max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt = 1.5
max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt_breakpoint = 20000
max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt_breakpoint = 28000
max_bank= 25
max_bank_acceleration = 1.8
max_bank_velocity = 3
max_throttle_rate = 0.1
nav_proportional_control = 9
nav_integrator_control = 0.25
nav_derivative_control = 0
nav_integrator_boundary = 2.5
nav_derivative_boundary = 0
gs_proportional_control = 9.52
gs_integrator_control = 0.26
gs_derivative_control = 0
gs_integrator_boundary = 0.7
gs_derivative_boundary = 0
yaw_damper_gain = 0

Center1 = 0, 0, 0.1, 297,  0
External1 = 0, -14.5, -0.39, 150,  0
External2 = 0, 14.5, -0.39, 150,  0
fuel_type =  2
number_of_tank_selectors = 1

wing_area = 360
wing_span = 48
wing_root_chord = 7.5
wing_dihedral = 6
wing_incidence = 0
wing_twist = 0
oswald_efficiency_factor = 0.892041532994924
wing_winglets_flag = 0
wing_sweep  = 0
wing_pos_apex_lon = 2.425
wing_pos_apex_vert = 0
htail_area = 56.34
htail_span = 15
htail_pos_lon = -23.99
htail_pos_vert = 0
htail_incidence = 0
htail_sweep = 0
vtail_area = 40.5
vtail_span = 8.3
vtail_sweep = 0
vtail_pos_lon  = -24.18
vtail_pos_vert = 0
elevator_area = 24.29
aileron_area = 25.73
rudder_area = 36
elevator_up_limit = 30
elevator_down_limit = 20
aileron_up_limit = 18
aileron_down_limit = 15
rudder_limit = 35
elevator_trim_limit = 18
spoiler_limit = 45
spoilerons_available = 0
aileron_to_spoileron_gain = 0
min_ailerons_for_spoilerons = 0
min_flaps_for_spoilerons = 0

[Reference Speeds]
flaps_up_stall_speed    = 81.7
full_flaps_stall_speed  = 69.5
cruise_speed            = 217
max_indicated_speed = 326
max_mach = 0.5257

gear_bump_nose_magnitude = 6000
gear_bump_nose_direction = 18000
gear_bump_nose_duration = 250000
gear_bump_left_magnitude = 6000
gear_bump_left_direction = 35500
gear_bump_left_duration = 250000
gear_bump_right_magnitude = 6000
gear_bump_right_direction = 500
gear_bump_right_duration = 250000
ground_bumps_magnitude1 = 3250
ground_bumps_angle1 = 8900
ground_bumps_intercept1 = 5
ground_bumps_slope1 = 0.48
ground_bumps_magnitude2 = 750
ground_bumps_angle2 = 9100
ground_bumps_intercept2 = 0.075
ground_bumps_slope2 = 1
crash_magnitude1 = 10000
crash_direction1 = 1000
crash_magnitude2 = 10000
crash_direction2 = 9000
crash_period2 = 75000
crash_duration2 = 2500000
stick_shaker_magnitude = 5000
stick_shaker_direction = 0
stick_shaker_period = 111111

gear_warning_available = 1
pct_throttle_limit = 0.1
flap_limit_idle = 33.75
flap_limit_power = 16.875

toe_brakes_scale = 0.85
parking_brake = 1

[stall_warning] //  0 = None, 1 = Suction, 2 = Electric.
type = 1

electric_pumps = 0
engine_map = 1, 1, 0, 0
normal_pressure = 3000

[attitude_indicators] // 0=None, 1=Vacuum Gyro, 2=Electric Gyro
attitude_indicator.0 = 1

[turn_indicators] // 0=None, 1=Electric Gyro, 2=Vacuum Gyro
turn_indicator.0 = 1, 0

[direction_indicators] // 0=None, 1=Vac Gyro, 2=Elec Gyro, 3=EM Slave Compass, 4=Slave to other ind
direction_indicator.0 = 1, 0

airspeed_indicator.0 = 1, 0

smoke.0 = -2.27, -2.69, -23.51, fx_vapour_f6.fx
smoke.1 = -2.27, -2.69, 23.51, fx_vapour_f6.fx