Misty Air - http://mistyair.net

With bases at Yakutat, Sitka, Juneau, Johnson Petersburg and Ketchikan, 'Misty Air' serves the area known as the Alaskan Panhandle, including the Tongass National Forest, Misty Fjords National Monument and the Glacier Bay National Park. We also have the contract to support and supply air services to the Skitine Icefield Research Program (SIRP).

So if you're at or near any of our bases, call into the office and collect a charter flight.

There’s no commitment, and very few rules (if you can call what we have, 'rules' ). All we ask is that you complete the flight, and let us know by submitting a Flight Report.

After that you're free to move on, collect another charter from any of our bases, or even join us as a charter or company pilot (as a charter pilot you'll still not be making any commitment) ........it's up to you.

Although there’s nothing to stop you flying our charters using any version of MSFS or scenery, they were originally set up to make use of the outstanding Holgar Sandmann addons Tongass Fjords, Misty Fjords and Glacier Bay which unfortunately are FS9 compatible only, although I believe FSX versions are on the way::

All of these scenery addon's are fantastically realistic, reasonably priced ( especially Glacier Bay.......it's free) and are thoroughly recommended. You'll find links to these Scenery programmes on our downloads page

However, several of our members are already busy putting together small scenery files or flight tickets to enhance the experience for those who haven't got the above pay-ware addon's for whatever reason, or who have made an irreversible switch to FSX. Links to these files are also available on our downloads page .

Once you accept a charter, all we ask is that you complete the flight, on or offline, and using RW weather, and let the girls in the office know so they can keep the records straight. You can do this by completing the Flight report form link included at the foot of each base page.

Now, let's see if we can get you to work. All the time we sit here chewing the fat, the jobs are piling up. Just walk into any of the offices. The girls are ready and willing................to hand you a charter briefing ;-)

Like what you see so far ?..........................You can register as a Charter pilot by joining our forum , but that's up to you (Don't you just love it when you can do what you like and have fun). By joining the forum though, you'll meet new friends from around the world and be able to put forward your ideas for the running of 'Misty Air', and all without that dreaded word, "commitment"