FS2004 - DC-9/MD-80 panel.
Jim Waters

To Install:

Unzip panel files to the aircraft file. Rename file to
Panel.X where "X" is the appended number corresponding to the Aircraft.cfg file.

FS2004 allows for a choice of panels for different paint/texture files.
So, you could have a DC-9 for one airline with 1 panel and another paint/texture file
with a different panel, assigned in the aircraft.cfg file in the paramter:

Unzip Gauges to FS2004 Gauge file, overwriting if desired when prompted.

I have left commented out a version of "Window03" permitting assignment
to your cabin-sound gauges. I only coded in 6, as that is all I use.

Side view values are set to over wing for the Matsushi Yataka MD-81/82.
Adjust as needed in the "panel.cfg" file under "[Views]" paramter.

The parm:

VIEW_RIGHT_EYE=1.0, -1.0, -23.2
VIEW_RIGHT_DIR=5.0, 0.0, 84.0

VIEW_LEFT_EYE=1.0, -0.8, -23.5
VIEW_LEFT_DIR=10.0, 0.0, 270.0"

Adjust "VIEW_RIGHT_EYE=" parm. Last number, in this case, "-23.2" and "-23.5" is
the value taken from the eyepoint on the flight deck.