King Air All Glass Panel for FS9
by Alex Christoff
October, 2003


King Air all-glass panel modification for FS9 by Alex Christoff. This is my simplified interpretation of the Collins Glass panel modification of the King Air panel, recently featured in the November edition of FLYING magazine. This panel utilizes all default gauges,and includes all of the necessary simicons and the wonderful RNWY INFO gauge by Ernie Alston (for autpmatically selecting and tuning an ILS frequency into you NAV1 radio while flying, and without pausing the sim or losing sight of the instrument panel). Original panel bitmap by Angel Pradel.



Unzip the file into a temporary folder.

Transfer the panel.cfg and panel_background_640.bmp files into the beech_king_air_350 \ PANEL folder in FS9

IMPORTANT:Backup the original panel.cfg and panel_background_640.bmp files first, in case you want to switch back to the default panel!

Transfer the rnwyinfo.gau file into the FS9 \ GAUGES folder

Copy the .txt files from the EXTRAS folder into the Main FS9 Folder

That should be it. Just load up FS9, select the Beechcraft KingAir and ENJOY!


I use this panel frequently in my 1 GHz, 640 MB SDRAM, GeForce MX5600 128MB PC and find it to be very intuitive, stable, and frame-rate friendly. However, I assume no responsibity for lockups, crashes, or other computer anomalies or damage. Use at your own risk. Should there exist missing gauge or sound files as a result of my error, please do not hesitate to E-mail me with the problem - I'll do everything I can to remedy it. Enjoy!

Alex Christoff
Baltimore, MD