Phoenix SKy Harbor International 2001 For Default FS 2000.

Details about KPHX 2K1

In October of 2000, Phoenix Sky Harbor International (Located in
Phoenix, Arizona) Expanded it's Facilities to the south side of the
Airport by adding a third runway to handle Additional Traffic Flow.
This Addition has been 2 years in the making and is now open to the

Designer Notes

Most of the details around KPHX 2K1 were based off of Details accquired
from as well as from FAA Details. The New Third Runway
(Which Opened in Fall of 2000 is 7800' x 150' and is made of concrete
The Runway has MALSR Approach Lighting and ILS on both ends

After the New Runway (Designated 7R/25L according to FAA and Local
authorities) was opened the 8R/26L Runway Was redesignated 7L/25R to
avoid Confusion with the North Runway 8L/26R (Now Designated 8/26)

In This Version I have left the New runway Designated as originally
shown in maps of the future expantion (That of 7/25) To also help
Prevent Confusion...(Plus in FS2000 Drop Down Menus it is easy to
access. I have also Laid out gates at the terminals as per pictures
accquired from to make the scenery more realistic.
This Scenery Requires ASD, VOD and Airport Textures (Which You can
Accquire from SurClaro) are required for the scenery to work Properly
I plan to do Further Upgrades as the scenery warrants.

Product History
Fixes Texture Problems Located at the 25 end of runway 7/25

Original Product.

Note: This Product is Freeware, and is to be distributed Freely.

Runway 7/25

7,800' x 150 Concrete
High Intensity Lighting (HIRL)
Threshhold Lighting (Both Ends)
MALSR Approach Lighting 5 Strobe 1,400 feet (Both Ends)
Papi 4 (VASI/PAPI) (Both Ends)

ILS 7 ILS/DME 07 IAHA 110.75Mhz
ILS 25 ILS/DME 25 IRJG 110.75Mhz

Instructions for Installation of KPHX2K1 (Phoenix Sky Harbor Add-on)

1. Unzip the file into the scenery file in FS2000
(If you have Version 1.00 then Just delete the originals from the folder and
unzip these in their Place.

2. start FS2000

3. Go to World/Scenery Library and then click on "Add Area"

4. Go to FS2000 Scenery KPHX/Scenery

5 Under Description Type in Phoenix 2001

6 Let the Scenery Database Rebulld..

7. Go to World/ Go To Airport/ Arizona, Phoenix / Sky Harbor..

8. Select Runway

9. Fly!