Readme for KOLF Wolf Point version 2.
11 July 2010
by Eric Cagan

This scenery has a version 2, since I messed up the version 1 so thoroughly. It goes to show you that no matter how easy you think a scenery is, you still need someone else to beta test it.
Version 1 was missing a hanger, the proper AFCAD, and a texture. I've updated the scenery and added a screenshot to show you what it should look like. Thanks to Joe for showing me that if you add MissingLibraryAlert=1 into your FS9.cfg, you can see objects that are missing. That's how he noticed the hanger was missing.

Download and extract all files.
Take KOLF Wolf Point folder and put it in Addon Scenery folder. It will automatically overwrite all files.
Place 000_KOLF_exclude.bgl and AFX_KOLF.bgl and place it under Addon Scenery/scenery folder.
Within FS9, add the KOLF folder to your scenery.cfg (if you have version 1, you won't need to do this step)
Reboot FS9 and enjoy.

Please let me know of any issues (man I hope not :) ). This scenery is freeware.