Original Text

Junkers Ju87-G "Stuka" from the Africa Korps.
Stukageschwader operating in North Africa in 1941.

Model : by Herve Devred, updated by Jody O'Brien

Texture : Philippe Donat-Filliod Philippe.donat-filliod@wanadoo.fr

Texture AI : acwai acwai@yahoo.com

This aircraft is created by combining the stock Ju87a with a Ju87-G
created by Herve
Devred. It is intended to replace the stock Ju87a. When you shoot at it,
the wing
can break apart just like all the stock CFS aircraft.

This is a copyrighted freeware aircraft. FREE DISTRIBUTION ONLY.
This aircraft can not be posted where a fee of any kind is required or
even nagged for. This includes disk distribution or any other kind of
It can not be included in a commercial package.