20:28 11-9-98

To install the 2 scenery's you can for the best result put them in two seperate dirs.
Inside the main Scenery dir of FS98 make a DIR Woens, and a DIR Midzee. Inside these Dirs make a DIR Scenery.
So in my situation I have Woensdrecht in:
Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\Scenery\Woens\Scenery\Woens.bgl
and Midden Zeeland in:
Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\Scenery\Midzee\Scenery\Midzee2.bgl
Now the trick to get them in Flightsimulator. The Simple way is to use a util like Areaman from, ©1997-1998 Central Park Informatica
(Software Technologies and Solutions) this is a freeware program and works very well.
You can download it from www.SurClaro and the name is aman800.zip
To install it in FS98 open in the World menu Scenery Library, on the warning click OK, Go to Files, If you have Europe 1 Scenery installed tag it and press the button Edit. Copy the path with Ctrl + C and press the Cancel button. Press now the Add button and paste the path with Ctrl + V. Edit in the path Europe1 to Woens, give a name in the Scenery Area Box, make the scenery local and Active, press the OK button.
Woensdrecht and Midden Zeeland must be above Europe1 as Area Layer.
For Midzee take the same steps as above. Press the OK button till you are back in FS98, and the Scenery (VIS) file will be updated. Now both scenery's are in the world Go To Airport Menu.
Unzip the Texture.zip in to the main texture Dir of FS98.
Now read the readmeEHWO.txt file For more info about Woensdrecht.

Have a good Flight and a save landing.

Frans Nobel - Holland