Flight Simulator 2004 created by Bertolacci Productions(c).


1) Unzip the "Ians-Teapot.zip" folder.

2) In your Flight Simulator 9 folder there is a folder titled "Aircraft". Cut/copy the Teapot folder in to "Aircraft"

1.You may not use the files in this folder for profit reasons.
2.The download comes as is and the author is not liable for any damage done to the users computer use at your own risk, not that it should have any problems.
3.You may not put this file under your name and distribute, although wou can edit send to us then upload to a diffrent server under "Origonal: Bertolacci PRO(c) Edited:Your name.

Contact Information:
Author- Ian Bertolacci
e-mail- IBertolacci@aol.com
id- 8492