This is an easy to install scenery.

1. Put all the files from the texture file into your FS2000 Texture folder. You can leave the scenery files where they are, as FS2000 can run them from anywhere.

2. Go to the Scenery Library, click on add, type in scenery name and click the check mark.

3. Copy and paste the flatten coordinates to your scenery config.
Flatten.0=2600,N62 50.77,W144 38.96,N62 51.34,W144 42.00,N62 52.74,W144 40.69,N62 52.04,W144 37.08

You will be good to go. The developer of this scenery takes no responsibility for any damage that may occur to your system or any parts there of. There should be no problems however. This was made on a Dell 450 / 128meg ram. I am getting 14+ fps at any given time and have exceeded 30 at some points in time. Thanks for downloading and enjoy. Don Moser