IFDG a319 in White Airlines livery.

IMPORTANT: Be sure to read the a319readme file for painting and distribution. It also contains panel and sound recommendations, EULA, and other useful information.


This aircraft is made by iFDG (international Flightsim Design Group),
For more information visit our homepage at http://ifdg.net

Model : Albaro Villegas and Ric Barker
FDE : Eugene Schneider
Livery : Randy Short
Testing : The iFDG Beta Team
Template textures : Ben Jones

Thanks to IFDG for providing a great model and paint kit.

For installation-

Copy the [fltsim.x] portion of the aircraft.cfg file into you IFDG a319 cfg flie and for X change to the proper sequense for you number of sims in the 319 main folder. If you don't have the a319, it's included in these files. Just copy the contense into your new IFDG a319 folder and change the line in the cfg file... X to zero= [fltsim.0]

Randy Short