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It is important to note that the aircraft nose gear is longer than the rear so the aircraft sits on the runway at quite an angle. The front cockpit view has be adjusted to look down so the runway is visible - it is like looking over the nose of the craft.

1. Engine start:-

a. Ensure parkbrake os off.
b. Move cutoff levers on throttle quadrant to the up position.
c. Press "Ctrl"+"e" for engine autostart.

2. Conventional takeoff:-

a. Parkbrake off.
b. Full power ( flaps to required ).
c. At approx 150 knots take off and retract landing gear.

3. Conventional landing:-

a. Reduce power, gear down and land at approx 120-140 knots with flaps.
b. Note that the front gear is longer than the rear gear so the craft may bounce
on the front depending on the aircraft angle of approach.

Happy flying.

Steve ( RATT ) Robinson.