FS98 Siebel FH-104 "Hallore", 1937

Originally designed by Klemm Leichtflugzeugbau as a small, high performance mail and passenger transport. After the Klemm plant in Halle was transferred to Siebel Flugzeugwerke in 1937, the aircraft was developed into a fast general liaison aircraft, with personalities such as Adolf Galland, Albert Kesselring and Ernst Udet flying them. The Siebel FH-104 was also used for record breaking and racing, and won several long distance flying competitions in 1938 and 1939. Powered by two 280 hp 8-cyl inverted V Hirth HM 508 engines, it had a top speed of 350 km/h (190 Kt). 46 units were built, after which the design was considerably enlarged and the Siebel Si-204 was derived from it. FD by Christoph Ruhtenberg. Textures by Udo Entenmann. By Stephan Scholz.