FSTSTuner Help!

Intro: FSTSTuner stands for "Flight Simulator TeamSpeak Tuner". It allows you to tune your COM2 frequency and have TeamSpeak switch to the configured IP Address and Channel in the background. It consists of a gauge (InnerGears.GAU), a configuration program (FSTSTuner.EXE, and the .rtf format help file which your reading (FSTSTuner.RTF).

TeamSpeak may be downloaded from http://www.teamspeak.org
FSTSTuner may be downloaded from http://www.innergears.com/FS2004/Software.aspx

When the gauge is installed and working with TeamSpeak, it should look like this:

Requirements: The gauge should work with both FS2002 and FS2004. To use the configuration program, you must have Microsoft .Net Framework 1.1 or later installed. If you cannot or will not load Microsoft .Net Framework, then read my notes at the bottom of this help file. To read the Help program, you must have a program installed capable of reading .RTF files, such as Microsoft Word, or you can call it from the configuration program.

The Gauge: The gauge is called InnerGears.GAU. It must be copied into the main Flight Simulator Gauges directory.
It must then be installed into the panel.cfg file of the aircraft, which will be using the gauge.
Here is the Radio Stack section in my "Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\Aircraft\Beech_Baron_58\panel\panel.cfg" file:

gauge00=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio Audio, 0,0
gauge01=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio Nav-Comm 1, 0,29
gauge02=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio Nav-Comm 2, 0,86
gauge03=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio ADF, 0,142
gauge04=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio DME, 0,180
gauge05=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio Xpndr, 0,217
gauge06=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio AP, 0,262
gauge07=InnerGears!TSTuner, 28,89,4,4

*Note: The gauge number will vary depending on your gauges installed, but always begins with 'gauge='. InnerGears is the .GAU filename, TSTuner is the gauge's name, 28 is an X location, 89 is a Y location on the Radio Stack panel, 4, 4 is the height and width of the gauge. It's just a tiny little light above the COM2 section of the Radio Stack panel.

If you start Flight Simulator, select the Beach Baron 58, call up the Radio Stack and see the light, then you've done it correctly. WooHoo!

The TSTuner light will turn one of three different colors;
1) Grey/Black indicates no power. If you turn off your Avionics and/or Battery switches, the light goes out and yes, it will also logs you off of the TeamSpeak Server, so no more voice communication!
2) Red indicates that the power is on, but no connection has been made in TeamSpeak. If you change frequencies and the light continues to be red, then you do not have a good connection in TeamSpeak.
3) Green indicates that the power is on AND that TeamSpeak has successfully connected to both the Server IP AND the channel that you've configured. If you don't configure a channel, then it will simply go to the server default room.
The Configuration Program: First create a directory called "Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\ InnerGears". There are other programs coming that will also need the InnerGears directory, like FSTransponder...Copy the FSTSTuner.EXE AND the FSTSTuner.RTF files into this new directory. Create a shortcut to the program and place the shortcut anywhere that you can easily find it. If you double-click the shortcut and the program starts, you've done it correctly. The frequencies are programmed with this program, however you not have to have it running for the gauge to function.

Stop Flight Simulator and exit the program. Stop TeamSpeak and exit the program.
Copy the file TSRemote.DLL from the TeamSpeak client_sdk directory to the main Flight Simulator (where fs9.exe is) directory. This .DLL is the interface into TeamSpeak. It comes with your normal installation of the TeamSpeak client.

Then, Start the FSTSTuner program. If you press the "Read Instructions" button you get this help file. If you press the "Load Profile" button, you will be allowed search for and to load a profile (.TST) file. There is also an ability to save your settings into a "profile" (.TST) file by pressing the "Save Profile" button. You could for instance, change all of your COM frequency settings quickly, from one profile to the next. You could for instance, create a profile for your Virtual Airline and give it only to those pilots you wish. The .TST file does not contain password information, either for the TeamSpeak server or the channels.

Ok, Step #1: Start TeamSpeak
Press Start TeamSpeak, this should start TeamSpeak...if you have it installed...if it doesn't start TeamSpeak, then start it manually and then press "Start/Attach TeamSpeak" again. The program should be able to attach to the process, in this event, but it's not preferred. But, you must click on "Start/Attach TeamSpeak" or the program will not be attached to the TeamSpeak client!
Note*: The preferred method is to stop TeamSpeak and allow the FSTSTuner program to start it.

Step #2: Select a Frequency
Click on the arrow and drop down the Frequency List. Select a Frequency. When you select a frequency, the program will load any setting that you currently have for that frequency. If you haven't programmed it yet, then the fields below it will be blank.

Step #3: Edit IP Information and Test
Enter the TeamSpeak Servers IP Address, the Port Number, what Call Sign you want to be known as, your Login Name (if your registered on the TeamSpeak Server), your Password for the TeamSpeak Server (again, only if your registered), and then press the Connect Button. If you have the TeamSpeak open next to the program, you should see yourself login to the server. If not, then one of the settings is wrong. If your not registered on the Server, then leave Login Name and Password blank. If you leave the Call Sign blank, then you will login as Guest1 or whatever.

Step #4: Edit Channel Information and Test
Enter the Server Channel that you wish to join, enter a channel password if it requires one then, press the Switch Button. You should enter the proper Channel. The Channel Name must be EXACTLY like the text in the Server list and sometimes people inadvertently put a space after the name, so be careful.

Step #5: Save Frequency Information
Press the Save button and all this info will be saved to your registry. The Save button saves only this one Frequency's settings so, don't enter 10 sets of frequency data and then try to save them all at once!

Saving/Loading a profile:
This will write a normal comma delimited text file with a .TST ending. The file format (in case you want to create one for your VA or yourself) looks like this:

119.00,FlapsOut's TeamSpeak Server,,8769,119.00 - KIAH ARTCC

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