Title : Everglades Airpark Florida U.S.A
Author : Jacques Botha
Support : jbot6902@gmail.com.com

Description : This is Everglades airpark in Florida U.S.A.It is freeware and made from custom designed hangars and default
FSX scenery librarys.Not the real thing but pretty close.Everglades Airpark is situated in the Everglades region
in Florida U.S.A

Size on disk : 2.75 mb

Instructions : 1.Unzip Everglade airpark.zip to a temp folder.

2.Copy the "Everglades airpark" folder to your FSX/scenery folder.

3.Run FSX

4.On the main page go to "settings"

5.Now click on "scenery library"

6.Now click on "Add area" and search for the scenery folder.

7.Double click on the scenery folder and look for the"Everglades airpark" folder.

7.NB !!!!!! click on this folder only once ! and then click on "OK"

8.The scenery will now load !

9.Go to free flight and choose "Everglades airpark"under "airports" to start your flight !

Enjoy ! For more FSX and South African scenery go to http://sites.google.com/site/triengtriengscenery/ .
also see www.nmgtrading.co.za
Join us online at www.flightonline.co.za for some online flying !