Eirunepe, AM – Brazil (SWEI).

For those of you that like to simulate real airlines schedule, here is Eirunepe, AM.
Eirunepé is a small town located in the state of Amazonas (north of Brazil).
Population in 2010 was 30,666
Airport is served by only one airline, TRIP LINHAS AEREAS (www.voetrip.com.br) with E-170 and ATR-72.
All other flights are general aviation.

Airport information (FS2004):

RWY 16/34 ? 7,735ft long x 180 ft wide
Altitude: 415 ft
Tower: 122.10 MHz

1 - Unzip Eirunepe.zip into a temporary folder.
2 - Cut Eirunepe folder and paste in C:\Program files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\Addon Scenery\
3 – Start flight sim, go to settings, scenery library, add area. Select Eirunepe folder and that’s it. Good flight.

Ediel Bergara Senna

Campinas, SP - Brasil