Cockpitpanel for the: North American/Noorduyn T-6 Harvard - Texan.

Author: Johan "VIPER" Lemmers.
the Netherlands.

This ZIP file includes: READ ME.TXT: this file.
PHOTO.JPG: the original digital photograph.
PANEL INFO.PCX Screenshot of the actual panel with gauge info. COCKPIT.PCX: Screenshot of the panel as it appears in FS2000.
COCKPIT.ZIP: files, to be extracted to the aircraft's panel map.
GAUGES.ZIP: files, to be extracted to the FS2000 gauges map.

This is my first attempt to create a panel for FS2000.
I know there are a lot of different panel configurations for the Texan/Harvard available on the net, but it seems that in reality, there are a lot of variations in panel layout too!
This panel is designed, based on a digital photograph, showing the cockpitpanel of A Dutch Air Force North American / Noorduyn AT-16 Harvard, registration ID: B-84.
This Harvard is flown by the members of the Royal Dutch Air Force Historical Flight, based at Gilze-Rijen Airbase in the Netherlands.

So the panel layout is the layout of that particular aircraft, with a few minor changes, due to availability of FS2000 gauges.

I would like to thank the "Dutch Air Force Historical Flight" for giving me the oportunity to visit their flight and let me take all the pictures I wanted (and even more!!!).
(Guys, thanks!!! I wished I could become a member of your flight!).

The gauges used, are all stock gauges from CFS1, except for:

- Cessna.182.airspeed.gau,
- HGHB_radioalt_R1000.gau,
- flaps.gau (borrowed from Michael Vader's T-6 panel),
- 10e-oil-temp1.gau (borrowed from Michael Vader's T-6 panel),
- alba-stinson-mph.gau (borrowed from Michael Vader's T-6 panel).

A Bendix King Radio and AP stack is also added in a seperate window (you do not have to use it, of course, but it might be handy...).

Thanks to the people of HGHB for creating and programming such fine gauges!
Also to Michael Vader (Pegasus Aviation Design), I borrowed some of his T-6 panel gauges (you want his panel too??? Search for: at

The panel has NO night light effects. As I stated before, it is just my first attempt and I am happy I came this far already.

Panel installation:

Installation is straight forward.
Just copy the contents of COCKPIT.ZIP into the panel folder of your aircraft, which, I do assume (and hope) is a Harvard, Texan or SNJ.
The contents of GAUGES.ZIP, of course, go to the gauges folder of your Flight Sim.

I hope you like my first step into creating FS2000 add-on's.
Any comments, please to:
BTW, the panel is freeware!

Johan "VIPER" Lemmers.
the Netherlands.
August 26, 2001.