From: Mike Hambly.

Sound File for: Sunderland Flying Boat for FS98.
June 3rd.1998
*Filename: Sunsound
The Sunderland Flying Boat was used for patroling the seas around
Great Britain and the Atlantic in search for U-Boats, and downed airman.
This file was made from a WW2 Documentry from actual Sunderland "T"
for Tommy.Film named Coastal Command.Therefore I have made this file
in memory of those who flew these aircaft, please therfore remeber then
that I have used sounds that are over 50 years old,I have done the best
I can with the material I have.The internal sounds are as they were then.
All the sounds in this file apart from the splash are my own,I have made
adjustments to this wave.

*Can also be able to be used for any 2 or 4 prop Flying Boat.
*Flying Boats can be found by files search at. www.SurClaro.
1.Remove any previouse sound files and config from your Sunderland sound directory.

2.Unzip this file into your FS98 Sunderland sound dirctory.

*If you have particular sounds you want added to an aircraft or vehicle
and you have any recordings of them, email me the zip containing your
sounds and I will make you a file.Each wave needs to be at least 100kbs in size.
Mike Hambly

The contents of this sound package are and always remain the property of the Author and cannot be
re-sold or packaged with any product for sale without the express and written permission of the author.
However, it may be uploaded to any server, etc that has "NO"
distribution restrictions. This is freeware.
Thae Author is not liable for any liabilities that you may incur as a result of using these sounds
You assume the risk of use.
Feel free to contact me with suggestions and improvements
Mike Hambly. para