Damascus, Syria - Damascus International Airport (Damascus_v1.zip)
Scenery for Microsoft Flight Simulator FS98
14 April 2003

This scenery was created from Jeppesen charts, so position and layout are all accurate with one exception; the true position would have put the airport inside a mountain, so this scenery is located 12 minutes to the East. All nav frequencies are true, except the ATIS, for which I used the tower frequency. Because there is ILS for only one runway, I have enclosed approach procedures for the other runways. Remember, everything is 12 minutes to the East, and NDB ADB doesn't exist!

There are six static aircraft (three of them must have scenery complexity set to 'dense' to see) and a refueling station at the maintenance area.

The scenery was tested on a 400mhz, Windows 98 system, with 96 megs of RAM and DirectX 8.1, but with no 3DFX, so I'm not sure how it may work on other systems.

This scenery is freeware. It may not be sold or distributed on disk or CD
without permission. All rights to these files are reserved. The material
in these files belongs to:
Ethan Baker
You can use this scenery freely but there is absolutely no warranty or
guarantee of any kind, expressed or implied, for any problems arising from
the use of this scenery.

This scenery was created using Airport 2.60, VOD and VOD 3.0 textures

Flight Simulator FS98
Airport 2.10 textures (txtur202.zip)
VOD textures 3.0 (vodtex30.zip)

a)Create a new directory where you usually put the add-on sceneries of your
FS98 and name it as you wish.
b)Put only the scenery and texture files that are in the zip file in the
new directory that you have just created.
c)Open Flight Simulator and activate it in the scenery library as local.

Pascal Meziat and Manfred Moldenhauer for the Airport Scenery Designer, Version 2.60.
Rafael Garcia Sanchez for VOD and VOD textures 3.0
Static aircraft:
FedEx MDD DC10 (R.Mello); converted by Mike Wallace
Air France Boeing 767 (k.simmelink,F.cunningham); converted by Mike Wallace
Syrian Air Airbus A320 (textures by M. Saif Al-Suwaidi); repainted to Mike Wallace's Gulf Air A320 by myself; Gulf Air A320 macro by Mike Wallace
Syrian Air Boeing 727 (textures by M. Saif Al-Suwaidi with some modification by myself); repaint and macro by myself
Gulf Air Airbus 330 (T.Ayub/B.Alderson/B.Quayle); converted by Mike Wallace
Qatar Boeing 727 (M.Firdous/O.Wiedlich); converted by Mike Wallace

Airport facility listing:
Damascus, Syria - Damascus Int'l (OSDI)

N33*24.7' E36*42.8'

ELEV 2588'


Runway Dimensions Surface ILS/Loc Freq
5L (45*mag) 9843' x 45M concrete ***
23R 9843' x 45M concrete 109.9
5R (45*mag) 11811' x 45M concrete ***
23L 11811' x 45M concrete ***

DAM 116.0

DAL 342

Please e-mail questions or comments to: vinicaldirola@yahoo.com