NOTE: Panel requires the FS2000 Spitfire and Hurricane gauges.

Sounds by Mike Hambly.
Model, panel & Animation by John Woodside.
Repaint by jochen Verschoore



The Tiger panel makes use of the FS2000 Hurricane and Spitfire gauges. These files are too big for me to include here but can be obtained from the major FS sites.

After installing the aircraft you can choose whether to use the ASI calibrated in knots or mph. Open the panel.cfg file and scroll down to the lines that read:

gauge01=DHasi_mph, 200,508,123,123
//gauge01=DHasi_kts, 200,508,123,123

In the case above the mph gauge is enabled in FS2002. To swap this for the ASI in knots simply remove the // characters and add them to the line you wish FS to ignore. You cannot have both active - one MUST include the // characters.

My special thanks to Mike Hambly for his new Gipsy Major sounds for FS2002. Mike has produced an overwhelming number of sounds for FS98/FS2000 and FS20002 and we would all be the poorer without his incredible contribution to our hobby.

My thanks also to Frank Elton for his superb FS2000 DH Leopard Moth - the inspiration behind this venture. I have used Frank's Leopard Moth ASI as the model for the Tiger ASI gauges. I have also used his DH emblem for the wheel hubs - not historically accurate but too nice to exclude. Manufactureres emblems were allowed on RAF aircraft until just before WW2 but DH only put these on the interplane struts.

All other gauges used are default Microsoft gauges that come with FS2004.

Thanks are also due to Stuart McKay from the DH Moth Club who kindly answered a barrage of questions on the technical aspects of the Tiger Moth and whose book "The Tiger Moth" proved an invalueable resource.

Thanks are also due to the beta testers at Magrathea and to Scott Kiefer for suggesting, and then testing , the CFS variants.

My thanks also to Gerry Winskill who persuaded me to include the yellow 1937 model of the aircraft. It would be a much poorer offering without this version.


John Woodside