FS2004 panel for the Chinese Chengdu J-10 combat aircraft. 2D only - suitable for the aircraft designed by Marty Strong and in collaboration with him.

Drawn with the help of AlphaSim panels collection (free) by Phil Perrott and so many bits of photographs seen on www.airliners.net, www.jetphotos.net and others sites.


Togl_Trans.cab : very simple in fact made after having studied several tutorials but mainly having followed the steps of Jorge 'eko' Salas (cpt.icons).

HBHG_*.gau : normaly under the conditions of use/license of HGHB - German Site www.hof.baynet.de/~ho3080 or USA Site www.propanels.simflight.com/hghb ... BUT how to contact them (for a while).
fsd_ : by Flightsim Developers
Hawk.gauges! : by Thinus Pretorius
F16_HUD_G : by Bluesky developement
HUDViper : by Scott Printz - SEE attached files ReadmeScott.txt, Viper_HUD_Key.jpg and UFC_Key.jpg
F-22_ : by Roger "Maddog" Gaylor (see also his F-22)

Other gauges : in my catalogue, I cannot remember from whom ... Sorry !

Installation :

1. Unzip "Panel.FP" in FS\Aircraft\Choosenairplane\
2. Unzip the several gauges in the folder FS\Gauges
3. In the "aircraft.cfg" file of the "Choosenairplane" add the following text below the group [fltsim.x]:

title=J-10 panel FP
sim=as found in [fltsim.x]
model= ''let it blank or as found in [fltsim.x]
sound= ''let it blank or as found in [fltsim.x]
texture= ''let it blank or as found in [fltsim.x]
checklists= ''let it blank or as found in [fltsim.x]
in ui_variation= write a memo
or in descrition= write a memo
License :

I'd like to thanks once again those artists named here above who made the gauges, panels, airplane, ... having shown me the way. Also those unknown but participating at the community. One word also for Kirk Olsson and his wonderful F-16 as well as E. Marciano (no copyright to refund here but a good exemple) because I could train on their airplane/panel.

Marty, thanks for your collaboration and encouragement.

As usual: enjoy it, copy it, give it, speak about it but don't make money with it !!!!!!!!!!!
I'd like to thanks the hereabove persons but also all the unknown ones who share the same hobby.
If any trouble, complain or idea in your mind about this work, please report it to :

October 2006