April 8 2006

Complete aircraft with my ownversion of USAF texture.

Texture by Francis F. Silva --> airsilvair@yahoo.co.uk
Model of C119 BoxCar by Daisuke Yamamoto --> @5/November/2003@Daisuke Yamamoto cdc78140@hkg.odn.ne.jp

Daishe Yamamoto used Abacus FS Design Studio 2
I used my humble MS Paint (because I have no idea yet how to use Paint Shop Pro !!)

The original author was contacted by email in Japan and he kindly granted me permission to repaint his C119. I have
his email to prove it.


This is my version of a U.S. Air Force C119, a livery taken from an old photo. I repeat that it is MY VERSION and now an attempt to replicate the one in the photograph.
The polished aluminium or chrome effect was achieved by modifying the Alpha channel in a special way -- a technique which Mark (Fireball) Rooks kindly and unselfishly, shared with me. Many thanks, Mark.

Thank you again, Daisuke Yamamoto once again for sharing his C119 with us and also for allowing me to repaint it.

You use this texture and aircraft at your own risk. No guarantees, no legal warranties, of any kind are offered.
As there is no exchange of legal 'consideration', in legal terms this means it is free, the donor (that's me) is therefore protected. That out of my chest, yours truly, FRANCIS