thanks for downloading this file


just put the "B17svensk" folder into your FS2000 aircraft folder and fly away!


i hope you enjoy this aircraft as much i enjoyed making it

have a nice flight,(and please, dont crash this beutyfull plane,hihihi)


some few things you meaby would like to know:

in the plane outside view, if you look at the bombardiers place, its like a little room, behind the bombardier instrument, there is a table, if you zoom in whit "+"(plus sign), you will see a swedish flag and a "dalahäst" (dala horse), wich is made in dala, a city in sweden, in the wing, it stands "länge leve den svenska älgen!!!"it means "long life to the swedish moose!!!"
and in the underside it stands written "tore den svenska älgen är ut i vakt"
it means "tore the swedish moose is gurding", or something like that
and in the 2nd view of cockpit, it stands also some things there, bt that u must ask a friend of you that have been in sweden to know, to make it funny


anything question to