I am now also running FSX in Windows 7. It all works OK but installing the scenery into the library doesn't seem to work the same as under Vista and XP. After clicking "Add Scenery", then the airfield, "OK" doesn't (for me anyway) go back to library list with airfield on top of the list. Instead, after clicking airfield I have to go to top box and click on Addon Scenery then on OK! It works for me like that.
I found with FSX and Windows 7 my ground level was a fraction higher, well it masked the taxy guide lines anyway. If you have shadows of taxiways or my landclass objects showing through when using FSX with Windows 7 then perhaps you have the "DX10 Preview" checked as I did. When unchecked the problems vanished.

Alf Denham
26th June 2010