!981 Harley for FS2004
"Happy 100th Birthday to Harley Davidson!"

Ladies and gentlemen, this vehicle will send Flight Simulator into a new level of realism. Instead of just flying around you'll be able to cruise the world right down inside the scenery. There's nothing like taking a leap off a hump in the road with a muscle wrenching "Harley Hog" between your legs. There's something about sitting in the middle of a city, looking at all the different buildings and scenery and listening to your Harley talk to you, "potato, potato, patato"

Imagine yourself on line with fellow bikers, cruising the streets or racing down Interstate 5. Form a club and ralley at Sturgis. The fun is almost endless.

I've made several trips across the real USA on a motorcycle and I find that I'm almost reliving it as I drive my hog cross country in Flight Simulator 2004. Now you will be able to do it too, for free.

This simulated *Harley is freeware but the copywrite belongs to me. No portion may be used for profit without permission from me. You are allowed to upload it or to make copies as long as you give credit for this creation to daveanjackie@netzero.com and include this instruction sheet.

INSTALL: Simply unzip the contents into your FS Aircraft folder.

The bike will be listed under Robbins Motors

Specifications: Top Speed 110 mph. (Knots)
Fuel 10 gals
Range 300 miles (cruising speed of 55 mph)
Load Driver plus passenger plus luggage plus Teddybear.

Starting: Start and shutoff with the engine switch, located between the speed and fuel gauges.
Switches: Headlight = Landing light switch.
Other lights = Automatic
Teddybear = Beacon light switch ON makes Teddy appear, OFF and he's gone.
Passenger = Strobe light switch ON makes Passenger appear, OFF and she's gone.
Sound = The recorded sound of the Harley is a recorded Harley.

Driving takes some skill just as a real motorcycle does. You'll never have to pick it up manually though.

Driving Hints:

1. On smooth highways across flat country you can crank this baby up to 110 and probably be safe for a
bit but should you come upon a gully you may be toast if you can't get her slowed down soon enough.
2. Traveling mountain roads is more challenging and more risky. There are places you'll have to slow down to
forty mph or risk crashing.
3. The roads in FS were not made for driving on so occasionally a road will go up the side of a cliff at such an
steep angle you won't be able to keep your motorcycle from tipping over. When this happens it is best to
drive around the bad portion of the road. Go trail riding until you can pick up the road where it is level.
4. Save your long trips often as you proceed. I usually save everytime I reach a new city or town.
5. There are times when a road or highway will just end where it shouldn't. You can usually find it further ahead
so just keep driving, dodging the trees and etc.
6. The textures in FS do not always match the mesh underneath. At times you may find yourself driving under
or over the texture because the bike follows the mesh. Do not be alarmed unless your traveling at a high
rate of speed. If you crash while under the texture it's because there is an obstruction there that you can't
see. The next time you drive by that spot, move over to the left or right before reaching it and slow down.
7. You can only turn with the rudder. Banking like an aircraft just doesn't work quickly enough for a cycle.
On high speed turns the bike will lean on it's own.
8. When you take on a passenger the bike will not drive any different unless you have adjusted passenger
load on the FS Menu.
9. You can't drive over bridges in FS. They're made for looking at. For this reason I made the Harley capable of
driving across water so you could cross a river or lake.
10. Braking is some what limited due to FS aircraft dynamics. The brakes are very slow reacting at high
speeds. The slower your moving the more braking power you have.
11. If you find yourself skidding sideways, release the brakes. You can't turn and brake at the same time.
12. You will find it easier to drive from the cockpit view.

Crashes: You can crash if..

1. Your bike hits a very steep mound of dirt.
2. You make a jump and land too hard.
3. The terrain is so steep that your bike leans over too far and falls over.
4. You run into a sign post, telephone pole, trees, big brush or buildings.

Happy cruising!
Comments or questions can be sent to daveanjackie@netzero.com
*Harley is a registered trademark of Harley-Davidson LTD.