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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
Fs2002 x-15c nasa. NORTH AMERICAN X-15 by Massimo Altieri. The North American X-15 was the first manned aircraft to cross the gap between the flight in the atmosphere and space flight. Test flights started in 1959, and in 10 years the X-15 became the fastest winged aircraft, reaching hypersonic velocities above Mach 6, 7 and operating at altitudes above 30, 000 meters. The X-15 flew 199 times (200th flight was repeatedly cancelled) between 1959 and 1968

Filesize: 4.14 MB | Added on: Jun 11, 2003 | Downloads: 14997

Users Reviews
FS2002 x-15c nasa NORTH AMERICAN X-15 Massimo Altieri. Rating: 8.47 of 10 over a total of 66 reviews.

116240562453391-facebookrating: 9
September 29, 2017
This is an incredible machine, the model beautiful
strongking43rating: 10
July 1, 2011
This is a really great historical plane You can go high into the sky and accelerate fast. kind of planes are needed at this website. Many thanks to everyone who contributed making
100000538210885-facebookrating: 7
December 3, 2010
keep up the good work now there must be more fsx planes instead of fs2000 2004
mrawesome445rating: 10
August 28, 2010
gabrieldedricherating: 10
April 21, 2010
hottybubbaboyrating: 1
March 3, 2010
did not work at all in fs02
bobkyrollrating: 8
August 18, 2008
would be nice with an autopilot was this original feature
dogman_danrating: 10
August 7, 2008
This has to get a 10...WOW Too bad FS2004 tops out at 100,000ft, this would keep going and going... awsome.
Sadistrating: 10
December 21, 2007
Very cool love it almost outer space give a...............10
thedriverrating: 10
July 25, 2007
A must down load
Cjflyerrating: 10
July 9, 2007
Im with all of you guys This is just an awesome aircraft. Totally cool 10
FAKP3rating: 8
March 4, 2007
specter1065rating: 10
December 2, 2006
where s the braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaakes
ariesx51rating: 10
November 5, 2006
Nice change of pace...great download, gauges work it up well above 100,000 and could get mach 4.8 around 90,000 ft or less. The handling was ok...keep in re flying a missle at 3000 knots . to TAS if you not getting these high altitudes, IAS will read lot slower.
hummerroxrating: 9
October 14, 2006
What a plane... From Zero to Mach 3.5 in split second... the landings bit tricky... but.... wow, this thing is awsome
ch85us2001rating: 10
May 12, 2006
I went to see the rocket today at Wright Patterson AFB . Beautiful work. A prefect 10. D
kyle_coo4rating: 10
May 5, 2006
This is the fastest aircraft i have ever flown on fs. The sound great, pannel not workable but it still looks great. I was able to reach up 430kts and almost 200,000 feet also download very quickly. would rate a 20 this site wont let me more than ten....
amarchrating: 10
April 16, 2006
this is fast you may have not tried these speeds ever, its FAST and also works properly in 2004
ryanjamesrating: 10
March 7, 2006
panel sucks but its very fast
vipie2000rating: 8
September 18, 2005
The External Graphics and Cockpit are good but, If you really want to fly the X 15 with moving parts I recommend a different flight simulator Plane. It even has space travel.
deibertsrating: 10
September 6, 2005
8492rating: 9
July 21, 2005
handaling sucks and the panel is not useable I can see it but doesnt move flys FN FAST
Highflyer_1rating: 7
June 21, 2005
all of my guages and panel dont work but otherwise it is a fun awesome plane to fly
RodgePittermenrating: 8
May 4, 2005
It s no Cessna.
jimmideanrating: 10
April 2, 2005
This is an awesome jet. download it now. the sound great, cockpits are speed awesome, and texture sleek.
iffysokrating: 8
March 30, 2005
hello, i have been flying pc aircraft for 5 years now and flew this last week to say... are you kidding me is joy fly own. the speed what file all about a star download, get it blast around world...bp
superjet010793rating: 10
February 21, 2005
Great plane I got it up to almost mach 4. kind of hard turn but still FUN. Anyone that wants a fast get this one
FSGUYrating: 10
February 12, 2005
this thing is fast,but the handling sucks,overall plane ROCKS THE WORLD
carter2241rating: 10
November 29, 2004
flightmaster12rating: 10
November 21, 2004
Really Awesome One of the fastest downloadable aircraft out there Nice effects and virtual cockpit.
purkirating: 10
October 5, 2004
if i could give this a higher rating would but rocket its KOOLLL im using it in fs2004
Storm_661rating: 10
September 9, 2004
Awsome Work
ottaviano123rating: 1
August 3, 2004
sexygunsrating: 7
July 13, 2004
Looks and sounds great. Lackluster performance above 40,000 ft. although very responsive at lower altitudes. Would be nice to see some navigation com. aids for base flights. Be sure turn off your stress settings as this rocket is easy burst low altitude
ezrapsterrating: 10
July 9, 2004
f awesome, works in fs2004
crazytastyrating: 9
June 23, 2004
its tight and it works in FS 04 just fine but you need to have good hardware or lessen the graphics so your computer dosent slow down much when flying really fast
MadRodeoClownrating: 10
June 21, 2004
Astounding. It takes a while to get off the ground but it is an awesome plane nonetheless.
bobh_n8712erating: 9
May 11, 2004
The X 15 rendition is well done and a fun addition to FS. As for the sound comments, real was very deep contunious explosion roar with no high frequency components. I never in cockpit but spent lot of time testing engine. Max thrust 55k lbs min 15k, that s why it tries roll at idle. Fuel load only good 3.5 minutes. It did not take off from land lower fin dropped landing. Also should get dark altitude FS problem. Thanks providing this blast my past.
broncochris581rating: 10
May 11, 2004
awesome one of my fav planes it goes about 50000 ft in the air less thes 3 min
Aceismerating: 10
March 31, 2004
it rocks
Dshakes320rating: 10
March 24, 2004
If u want extreme supersonic velocities turn off stress damage in the realism and take off, then maintain a 25 30 degree climb rate VSI will be charts but i have gotten into mach 6 range at around 85k feet
xbamrating: 1
March 18, 2004
jedster2006rating: 10
March 4, 2004
kicks butt
Lou-Saydusrating: 10
February 17, 2004
OMG This thing is awesome u rule.. but the sound needs some work. BUT IT IS STALL AWESOME doing mach 3.7 over las vages definantly a 10. hope to see more work from u.
sivadniarbrating: 10
February 16, 2004
Hey JERKS Dont give a 1 just because youre dumb and cant load it or your gear sucks And whoever says the sound must have driven one.
elgatodelamarrating: 10
January 7, 2004
In spite of the fact that sound be a bit bad, this aircraft is, probably, best I have flyed, for which fly is very interesting. If you look good aircraft, choose it.
gremlinxrating: 10
December 24, 2003
This rocket is very fast but hard to control at high speed. Ihave gotten this up above 100,000 ft. it doesnt go as says does. i was wondering if possible fly the moon rocket.
caylorrating: 10
December 10, 2003
Very good, very fast a fun aircraft to fly.
blackpawrating: 7
November 11, 2003
ExPhantomPhixerrating: 10
October 12, 2003
Out of over 50 add on aircraft I have in FS2002, this baby is my favorite. No, it s not perfect, even at idle, the powerful engine will hop chocks unless you stand brakes, and full speed around 3.31 mach requires constant feathering throttle to avoid overspeed, cockpit views are claustrophobic but since all those faults duplicate real life parameters.... give a 10. Just for being cool. And poopoo giving 1 because your hardware lame..... what, got 486 j k
merlin2002ukrating: 6
October 5, 2003
egertrating: 9
October 2, 2003
I downloaded this aircraft and it worked great. have Flight Simulator 2004, fine. Anybody who has fs 2004 wants to download it, go ahead. The gagues could use a little work but still very nice airplane
nick91rating: 8
September 28, 2003
can you guys please make this for fs2004 it looks really good
luckymartinrating: 8
August 20, 2003
Although the plane never reached mach 6.7, I got it up to about 3.5. The detail is great, and has a great cockpit. This worth downloading.
james_southrating: 8
August 17, 2003
millerpederating: 8
July 21, 2003
wohoho, its too fast for my PC, the autogen doesn t load
coyote_128rating: 1
July 17, 2003
Why can t this be on FS2000 too, if i had a better system d get 2002, but don t, so m stuck with getting the older stuff, and not newer stuff because it s put 2002. It apears will left in dust as soon 2004 comes out...
cole1151rating: 7
July 5, 2003
definately for the experianced thrill seekers
Nuclearrating: 10
July 2, 2003
This is a really fun plane to fly. You did great job.
spaceman15rating: 9
July 2, 2003
Takes a while to get used to. Other than that its blast fly
jensmoermanrating: 1
June 30, 2003
ttukie0266rating: 9
June 22, 2003
must add this one to your collection. unique sound and panel. i got it up 90,000 feet with no problem.
manuelpersanrating: 1
June 21, 2003
jfkerluckrating: 9
June 17, 2003
Duxrating: 9
June 13, 2003
Extremely well done.
legomannrating: 10
June 13, 2003
download this rocket